Last Name First & Middle Name Suffix Prefix Issue Year Issue Mon Issue Day Page Sec Event Event Year Event Mon Event Day Remarks
Abbot Ruby
1959 8 13 4 A Engagement

Abbott Patsy
1957 10 10 4 A Married 1957 9 14
Abbott Theressa Ann
1955 6 23 4 A Married 1955 6 13
Abernathy Diann Esther
1952 2 14 6 A Birth 1952 1 24
Able Clarice Welch
1952 4 17 7 A Death 1952 4 14
Able Lawrence M. Mrs 1952 4 17 7 A Death 1952 4 14
Abrams Patricia Ann
1952 5 22 6 A Birth 1952 5 15
Acker Mary Frances
1955 4 7 6 A Married 1955 4 8
Ackerman Abraham Everette
1952 12 25 3 A Death 1952 12 21
Ackerman Adele Annette
1952 1 24 5 A Birth 1952 1 16
Ackerman Alice
1956 5 31 5 C Graduation 1956

Ackerman Alice Roberta
1956 7 12 4 A Married 1956 6 30
Ackerman Alice Roberts
1956 7 26 4 A Married 1956 6 30 Picture
Ackerman Annie Crosby
1957 3 7 7 A Death 1957 3 5
Ackerman Archie W.
1954 4 15 1 A Death 1954 4 10
Ackerman Archie W.
1955 4 7 1 B In Memory 1954 4 10
Ackerman Bertha
1959 7 9 5 A 71st Birthday 1959 7 4
Ackerman Bessie Willis Mrs 1954 4 8 5 A Married 1954 4 3
Ackerman Carl Willis
1953 11 26 5 A Engagement

Ackerman Carl Willis
1953 12 10 4 A Engagement 1953 12 26
Ackerman Carl Willis
1954 1 7 5 A Married 1953 12 26 Picture
Ackerman Carrie Elizabeth
1957 10 31 3 A Death 1957 10 29
Ackerman Charles Bradford
1954 7 8 5 A Birth 1954 7 5
Ackerman Charles K. Mrs 1951 3 1 3 A Death 1951 2 24
Ackerman Clyde Oliver
1959 6 4 4 A Engagement

Ackerman Clyde Oliver
1959 7 9 5 A Married 1959 7 3
Ackerman Daughter to B. F., Jr Mr & Mrs 1950 7 6 6 A Birth 1950 7 4
Ackerman Daughter to Perry Mr & Mrs 1955 12 15 3 A Birth 1955 12 13
Ackerman David E.
1952 3 20 3 A Death 1952 3 15
Ackerman Ellison Williams
1957 8 8 3 A Death 1957 8 3
Ackerman Elsie
1950 6 15 4 A Married 1950 6 3
Ackerman Elva Ann
1951 4 26 4 A Engagement 1951 6

Ackerman Elva Ann
1951 5 31 4 B Graduation 1951

Ackerman Emma Williams
1951 5 24 7 A Death 1951 5 23
Ackerman Epsie E.
1951 3 1 3 A Death 1951 2 24
Ackerman Eugene, Dr Mrs 1951 5 24 7 A Death 1951 5 23
Ackerman Eva Elizabeth
1953 2 5 6 A Birth 1953 2 4
Ackerman Eve
1954 9 2 4 A Birth 1954 8 31
Ackerman Frank L.
1955 2 10 7 A Death 1955 2 3
Ackerman Fred Remsen
1950 3 16 5 A Married 1950 3 13
Ackerman Fred Remson
1950 3 30 3 A Married 1950 3 18
Ackerman George Woodrow
1956 12 20 3 A Birth 1956 12 14
Ackerman Georgie
1959 11 5 3 A Death 1959 10 30
Ackerman Glenda Anne
1951 10 4 2 A Birth 1951 9 30
Ackerman Gwen
1954 5 27 4 C Graduation 1954

Ackerman Gwendolyn
1953 7 16 4 A Engagement 1953 8 29
Ackerman Henry W. Mrs 1957 3 7 7 A Death 1957 3 5
Ackerman Henry S.
1953 4 23 3 A Death 1953 4 20
Ackerman Irene Adams
1957 2 28 7 A Death 1957 2 24
Ackerman Irene Adams
1958 2 27 7 A In Memory 1957 2 24
Ackerman Ive B.
1957 10 17 1 A Death 1957 10 15
Ackerman J. S. Mrs 1951 9 13 3 A Death 1951 9 13
Ackerman J. Vincent
1953 2 5 3 A Death 1953 1 29
Ackerman James W. Mrs 1957 2 28 7 A Death 1957 2 24
Ackerman Jannet Cooleen
1950 2 23 5 A Birth 1950 2 21
Ackerman Jay
1955 5 26 4 C Graduation 1955

Ackerman Jean
1959 8 13 5 A Married 1959 8 9
Ackerman Jean Coy
1953 2 19 5 A Miss Hi Miss 1953

Ackerman Jean Coy
1953 5 14 1 A Graduation 1953 5 28
Ackerman Jean Coy 1953 5 28 3 C Graduation 1953

Ackerman Joan Marie 1956 7 12 3 A Birth 1956 7 7
Ackerman Joe Ben
1952 7 10 4 A Married 1952 5 30
Ackerman John
1954 12 2 5 A Married 1954 11 26
Ackerman John C.
1955 5 26 7 A In Memory 1954 5 29
Ackerman John Clemon
1954 6 3 7 A Death 1954 5 29
Ackerman John Timothy
1959 6 18 8 A Birth 1959 3 1
Ackerman Juanita
1954 9 9 4 A Married 1954 9 4
Ackerman Julia Folk
1951 8 16 3 A Death 1951 8 15
Ackerman Julia Peters
1954 7 1 7 A Death 1954 6 29
Ackerman Kathaleene
1951 7 26 4 A Engagement 1951

Ackerman Lawrence B.
1956 9 13 3 A Death 1956 9 11
Ackerman Leona
1951 5 31 4 B Graduation 1951

Ackerman Leona
1953 2 5 4 A Married 1953 1 10
Ackerman M. H.
1953 12 17 1 A Retired 1954 1 1
Ackerman M. L. Mr & Mrs 1958 7 10 5 A 50th Anniversary 1958 6 25
Ackerman Madelyn
1951 2 8 1 B Miss Hi Miss 1951

Ackerman Madelyn
1951 5 31 4 B Graduation 1951

Ackerman Madelyn
1953 6 18 4 A Engagement 1953 7
Ackerman Marguerite Pauline
1950 1 19 4 A Engagement

Ackerman Marilyn
1958 5 29 4 C Graduation 1958 5 29 Picture
Ackerman Marilyn Blaine
1959 5 28 4 A Engagement 1959 7 11 Picture
Ackerman Marilyn Elaine
1959 7 16 5 A Married 1959 7 11
Ackerman Marilyn Elaine
1959 8 13 5 A Married 1959 7 11 Picture
Ackerman Marion Wilson
1953 11 19 3 A Death 1953 11 12
Ackerman Martha
1955 1 20 7 A Death 1955 1 18
Ackerman Mary Eugenia
1956 7 26 5 A Birth 1956 7 22
Ackerman Mary Kathleene
1951 8 9 4 A Married 1951 8 2
Ackerman Mary Madelyn
1953 7 30 4 A Married 1953 7 12
Ackerman Masuria Hoff
1951 9 13 3 A Death 1951 9 13
Ackerman Mattie
1956 1 19 7 A In Memory 1955 1 18
Ackerman Mickle Rodney
1959 10 29 6 A Birth 1959 10 28
Ackerman Miriam Michelle
1953 7 30 6 A Birth 1953 7 27
Ackerman Newman Heyward
1954 10 28 6 A Birth 1954 10 25
Ackerman Nina Jo
1956 6 7 6 A Birth 1956 6 1
Ackerman Patricia
1953 5 21 6 A Girls State 1953

Ackerman Patricia
1954 5 27 4 C Graduation 1954

Ackerman Paul Wescot
1953 7 2 6 A Adoption 1953 7

Ackerman Peggy
1952 2 7 4 A Miss Hi Miss 1952

Ackerman Peggy
1952 5 29 6 B Graduation 1952

Ackerman Phillip
1950 6 15 7 A In Memory 1947 6 17
Ackerman Ralph Henry
1957 1 17 6 A Death 1957 1 12
Ackerman Sallie Pierce
1955 10 13 3 A Death 1955 10 11
Ackerman Sara Elizabeth
1950 5 18 5 A Engagement 1950 6 25
Ackerman Sara Elizabeth
1950 6 29 5 A Married 1950 6 25 Picture
Ackerman Sharon Kaye
1957 2 14 6 A Birth 1957 2 9
Ackerman Sheppie Addison
1956 5 10 7 A In Memory 1954 5 13 2 Times
Ackerman Son to Edward Utsey Mr & Mrs 1959 2 26 5 A Birth 1959 2 22
Ackerman Son to Riddick Mr & Mrs 1953 8 6 5 A Birth 1953 8 1
Ackerman Son to Warren T. Mr & Mrs 1955 6 30 6 A Birth 1955 6 29
Ackerman Steven Mrs 1955 1 20 7 A Death 1955 1 18
Ackerman Susan Davis
1955 7 14 3 A Birth 1955 7 9
Ackerman Susan Mary
1959 8 20 5 A Birth 1959 8 12
Ackerman Thomas Albert
1958 6 19 5 A Engagement 1958 8 10
Ackerman Thomas Albert
1958 8 14 4 A Married 1958 8 9
Ackerman Virginia Mabel
1951 3 29 5 A Engagement 1951 6
Ackerman Virginia Mabel
1951 6 14 5 A Married 1951 6 14 Picture
Ackerman W. B., Dr Mrs 1951 8 16 3 A Death 1951 8 15
Ackerman W. W.
1954 1 14 5 A 63rd Anniversary 1954 1 10
Ackerman W. W. 1955 10 13 3 A Death 1955 4 28
Ackerman W. W. Mrs 1955 10 13 3 A Death 1955 10 11
Ackerman Wendell Ellsworth
1959 1 1 7 A Death 1958 12 31
Ackerman William (Buddy)
1954 4 29 4 A Engagement 1954 6 27
Ackerman William Francis Mrs 1954 7 1 7 A Death 1954 6 29
Ackerman William Francis
1957 6 20 3 A Death 1957 6 19
Ackerman William N.
1950 6 29 5 A Married 1950 6 24
Ackerman William Nelson
1950 4 6 4 A Engagement 1950 6

Ackerman William W.
1954 7 15 5 A Married 1954 6 27
Ackerman William Warren
1954 6 10 5 A Engagement 1954 6 27
Ackerman William Warren Jr 1955 8 11 5 A Birth 1955 8 7
Ackerman William Washington
1955 4 28 7 A Death 1955 4 28
Ackerson Archie
1950 5 4 4 A Married 1950 4 29
Ackerson Son of Archie W. Mr & Mrs 1953 6 25 3 A Death 1953 6 23
Adams Ada Hoff
1957 5 9 7 A Death 1957 5 2
Adams Alma R.
1953 5 28 6 C Graduation 1953

Adams Amanda
1950 7 13 4 A Engagement 1950 8

Adams Asbury Mrs 1957 6 6 3 A Death 1957 6 3
Adams Bessie Mae
1950 11 9 4 A Engagement 1950 11 24
Adams Bessie Mae
1950 12 7 4 A Married 1950 11 24
Adams Betty Ann
1953 3 5 6 A Birth 1953 2 28
Adams Betty Joan
1955 10 13 5 A Miss Hi Miss 1955

Adams Betty Joan
1955 12 15 4 A Miss Hi Miss 1956

Adams Betty Joan
1956 5 31 5 C Graduation 1956

Adams Billy
1959 5 28 5 B Graduation 1959 5 29 Picture
Adams Bunny
1950 9 7 4 A Married 1950 8 12 Picture
Adams C. D. C. Mrs 1953 5 28 3 A Death 1953 5 27
Adams C. D. C. Mrs 1953 6 4 3 A Funeral 1953 5 29
Adams Daughter to James Mr & Mrs 1951 7 26 5 A Birth 1951 7 23
Adams Daughter to Walter Mr & Mrs 1955 3 17 3 A Birth 1945 3 17
Adams Deborah Lee
1952 11 13 5 A Birth 1952 11 11
Adams Elaine
1956 5 31 5 C Graduation 1956

Adams Elaine
1959 9 17 5 A Married 1959 8 30 Picture
Adams Elizabeth
1956 5 31 5 C Graduation 1956

Adams Evelyn
1953 5 21 6 A Girls State 1953

Adams Evelyn
1953 6 4 5 A Girls State 1953

Adams Evelyn
1953 12 24 1 A Miss Hi Miss 1954

Adams Evelyn
1954 5 27 4 C Graduation 1954

Adams Evelyn
1959 1 22 4 A Married 1959 1 17
Adams Faye
1951 9 13 5 A A Twin 1951

Adams Freddie
1959 5 28 4 B Graduation 1959 5 29 Picture
Adams Gerald
1956 5 31 5 C Graduation 1956

Adams Geraldine
1953 5 28 6 C Graduation 1953

Adams Glenwood Lauine
1951 6 28 1 A Death 1951 6 22
Adams Glenwood Lauine
1951 7 5 1 A Death 1951 6 22
Adams Grover Cleveland
1951 12 20 2 A Death 1951 12 13
Adams Hattie Gertrude Redman
1959 8 6 3 A Death 1959 7 31
Adams Helen Gertrude
1958 8 28 5 A Engagement 1958 9 7
Adams Helen Gertrude
1958 9 11 4 A Married 1958 9 7 Picture
Adams Herman A.
1959 4 2 7 A Death 1959 4 2
Adams Herman A.
1959 4 9 3 A Funeral 1959 4 2
Adams Herman Hampton Mrs 1959 8 6 3 A Death 1959 7 31
Adams Heyward Hughey
1958 10 9 7 A Death 1958 10 7
Adams Hilda
1956 5 31 4 C Graduation 1956

Adams Hilda
1957 6 20 4 A Married 1957 4 21
Adams Hilda
1957 7 11 5 A Married 1957 4 21 Picture
Adams Howard Lamar
1953 2 12 8 A Birth 1953 2 5
Adams Jacqueline
1955 3 24 3 A Birth 1945 3 17
Adams James Richard
1953 6 18 3 A Death 1953 6 12
Adams James Wesley
1957 7 18 3 A Death 1957 7 17
Adams Johnie Junior
1953 10 15 5 A Birth 1953 10 10
Adams Johnie Ray
1955 6 30 6 A Birth 1955 6 27
Adams Judith Lee Gail
1954 7 22 5 A Birth 1954 7 15
Adams Kathleen
1959 5 21 1 A Graduation 1959 5 19 Picture
Adams Kathryn Darlene
1958 11 13 6 A Birth 1958 11 2
Adams Kaye
1951 9 13 5 A A Twin 1951

Adams Larry
1957 2 7 4 A Birth 1957 2 4
Adams Lloyd
1950 5 25 4 B Graduation 1950

Adams Ludlow Calhoun Jr 1958 10 16 5 A Engagement

Adams Lula Mae
1957 5 30 3 C Graduation 1957

Adams Marilyn
1953 5 14 1 A Graduation 1953 5 28
Adams Marilyn 1953 5 28 3 C Graduation 1953

Adams Marilyn
1956 5 24 5 A Married 1956 5 20 Picture
Adams Mary Eleanor
1955 9 8 4 A Beauty Queen 1955

Adams Mary Eleanor
1956 5 31 4 C Graduation 1956

Adams Mary Eleanor
1958 6 19 5 A Engagement 1958 8 10 Picture
Adams Mary Eleanor
1958 8 14 4 A Married 1958 8 9 Picture
Adams Mary Ruth
1957 5 30 3 C Graduation 1957

Adams Mary Ruth
1958 10 2 5 A Engagement 1958 12
Adams Maziel H.
1953 5 28 3 A Death 1953 5 27
Adams Nellie
1953 6 11 1 A Article 1953 6 11
Adams R. A. Mrs 1957 5 9 7 A Death 1957 5 2
Adams Robert Avery
1959 7 23 3 A Death 1959 7 18
Adams Samuel Lindsey
1953 6 18 5 A Birth 1953 6 12
Adams Son of James Allen Mr & Mrs 1950 12 21 7 A Death 1950 12 16
Adams Son to James Harold Mr & Mrs 1953 6 11 6 A Birth 1953 6 10
Adams Son to Van Vincent Mr & Mrs 1952 11 13 5 A Birth 1952 11 11 A Twin
Adams Son to Van Vincent Mr & Mrs 1952 11 13 5 A Birth 1952 11 11 A Twin
Adams Theresa Marilyn
1955 12 29 4 A Engagement

Adams Thomas A.
1955 8 18 3 A Military Service 1955

Adams Thomas A.
1956 11 29 6 C Military Service 1956

Adams Virginia LaVerne
1951 1 11 5 A Engagement

Adams Wendell O.
1955 3 10 6 C Military Service 1945

Adams Wilhelmina
1958 6 5 7 A In Memory 1957 6 3
Adams Wilhelminia
1957 6 6 3 A Death 1957 6 3
Adams William Lloyd
1954 8 26 4 A Engagement 1954 9 26
Adams William Lloyd
1954 10 14 5 A Married 1954 10 10 Picture
Adams Willie Seal
1953 6 11 1 A Article 1953 6 11
Addison Allan Wallace
1953 12 3 7 A Birth 1953 11 10
Addison Annie Jaques
1950 5 18 7 A Death 1950 5 13
Addison Bobby
1952 5 29 6 B Graduation 1952

Addison Carol Patricia
1956 12 13 6 A Birth 1956 12 12
Addison Craig Edward
1958 8 14 5 A Birth 1958 8 8
Addison Daughter to Wallace Mr & Mrs 1955 11 10 6 A Birth 1955 11 9
Addison E. Legare
1954 7 1 5 A Married 1954 6 26
Addison Edward L.
1954 4 15 4 A Engagement 1954 6

Addison George
1959 5 28 5 B Graduation 1959 5 29 Picture
Addison Georgia Ackerman
1950 3 9 3 A Death 1950 3 8
Addison J. F. Mrs 1950 5 18 7 A Death 1950 5 13
Addison Jacqueline
1955 5 26 4 C Graduation 1955

Addison James K.
1950 12 7 4 A Married 1950 11 24
Addison James K. Jr 1953 10 29 4 A Birth 1953 10 15
Addison James Kyle
1950 11 9 4 A Engagement 1950 11 24
Addison James Rhode
1953 7 16 4 A Birth 1953 7 12
Addison Jeffery Oliver
1958 11 13 6 A Birth 1958 11 8
Addison Katherine Lynn
1957 2 7 5 A Birth 1957 2 2
Addison Lew Wallace
1951 4 5 4 A Engagement

Addison W. P. Mrs 1950 3 9 3 A Death 1950 3 8
Addison William Edgar
1959 2 26 3 A Death 1959 2 20
Adkins Joyce Ann
1956 9 20 5 A Birth 1956 9 18
Adler Howard
1956 11 29 4 A Married 1956 11 29
Adnah Methodist Church
1951 11 15 1 B Old Church 1951

Aiken Anthony Latrus
1954 3 4 5 A Birth 1954 3 2
Aiken Delaine
1953 8 20 5 A Birth 1953 8 15 A Twin
Aiken Deloris
1953 8 20 5 A Birth 1953 8 15 A Twin
Aiken James I.
1953 4 9 1 A Wounded 1953 3 27
Aiken James I.
1953 4 16 7 B Wounded 1953 3 27 Picture
Aiken Lucretia
1957 1 10 5 A Birth 1957 1 5
Aiken Michael Jerome
1959 9 17 6 A Birth 1959 9 10
Aiken Willie
1953 9 3 1 C Death 1953 9 1
Aikens Son to Josh Mr & Mrs 1950 10 19 5 A Birth 1950 10 17
Aimar Lucas Boinest
1951 7 19 5 A Engagement 1952 1

Albert Mildred Denise
1956 11 1 4 A Birth 1956 10 26
Albright Calvin
1959 2 5 3 B Military Service 1959

Albright Calvin
1959 5 14 5 B Military Service 1959

Alcorn Robert
1952 7 17 5 A Married 1952 7 15
Alderman Daughter to A. E. Mr & Mrs 1952 2 28 4 A Birth 1952 2 26
Alewine Alan Franklin
1954 2 25 6 A Birth 1954 2 20
Alexander Emma Francis Grant
1954 1 21 3 A Death 1954 1 18
Alexander J. W. Mrs 1954 1 21 3 A Death 1954 1 18
Alexander Leroy G.
1959 6 4 7 A Death 1959 6 1
Alexander Leroy G.
1959 6 11 3 A Funeral 1959 6 5
Alford Billy
1952 5 29 7 B Graduation 1952

Alford Frank L.
1955 1 13 7 A Death 1955 1 8
Alford James Warner
1953 2 26 7 A Married 1952 12 20
Alford James Warner Jr 1953 9 17 6 A Birth 1953 9 5
All George H. Mrs 1957 3 14 3 A Death 1957 3 13
All Jack W.
1953 5 21 1 B Military Service 1953

All Mittle Ella
1957 3 14 3 A Death 1957 3 13
Allen Albert Clark
1956 4 5 4 A Engagement 1956 7

Allen Albert Clark
1956 7 12 4 A Married 1956 7 6 Picture
Allen Charles Edward
1954 11 11 6 A Birth 1954 11 8
Allen Christena
1955 12 29 6 A Birth 1955 12 24
Allen Evelyn
1950 6 22 3 A Married 1950 6 16
Allen Geneva Thelma
1951 11 8 5 A Engagement 1951 11 25
Allen Geneva Thelma
1951 12 6 4 A Married 1951 11 25
Allen Hillson C.
1952 8 28 1 A Death 1952 4 26
Allen Jimmy Wallace
1954 3 4 5 A Birth 1954 3 2
Allen Son to Ficken Mr & Mrs 1959 8 20 5 A Birth 1959 8 19
Allen Son to J. C. Mr & Mrs 1957 8 29 5 A Birth 1957 8 28
Allen William C.
1952 5 1 1 A Death 1952 4 26
Allison Weldon D.
1959 7 9 5 A Engagement 1959 8

Allison Weldon Dean
1959 8 27 4 A Married 1959 8 20
Alls Lindermae
1957 1 10 1 A Birth 1957 1 3
Alsing Sara Elaine
1955 5 26 4 C Graduation 1955

Alsing Sara Elaine
1957 11 28 5 A Engagement 1958 1
Alsing Sara Elaine
1958 1 30 4 A Married 1958 1 26 Picture
Altine Mamie Staples
1958 12 18 7 A Death 1958 12 11
Altman Charlie M. Mrs 1958 11 27 7 A Death 1958 11 22
Altman Minnie Lee Cook
1958 11 27 7 A Death 1958 11 22
Altman Son to James William Mr & Mrs 1954 12 16 6 A Birth 1954 12 10
Altman Sylvia Rebecca
1958 10 16 6 A Birth 1958 10 10