Last Name First & Middle Name Suffix Prefix Issue Year Issue Mon Issue Day Page Sec Event Event Year Event Mon Event Day Remarks
Mabry Timothy Morgan
1969 7 24 5 A Birth 1969 7 16
MacDonald Richard D.
1966 5 12 5 A Marriage Licenses 1966

Mack Davie Lou
1962 8 30 4 A Married 1962 8 25
Mack Elizabeth
1962 12 27 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Mack John
1963 8 8 6 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Mack Julius Rance
1967 3 2 4 A Engagement 1967 6 25
Mack Julius Rance
1967 6 29 4 A Married 1967 6 25
Mack Leonard E.
1964 4 16 7 A Military Service 1964

Mack Lonnie
1962 1 25 3 A In Memory 1959 1 26
Mack Lonnie D.
1960 1 28 3 A In Memory 1959 1 26
Mack Mary
1962 9 27 1 C Marriage Licenses 1962

Mack Paul
1962 1 4 2 A Marriage Licenses 1931

Mack Rance
1963 5 30 4 B Graduation 1963 5 30 Picture
Mack Sarah Mixson
1965 5 27 4 B Graduation 1965 5 31 Picture
Mack Shirley Jr 1963 3 28 1 C Marriage Licenses 1963

Mack Shirley Jr 1963 4 18 7 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Mack Willis Jr 1964 2 27 7 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Mackey Eleanor S.
1962 5 17 7 A Death 1962 5 13
Mackey LaConte Mrs 1962 5 17 7 A Death 1962 5 13
Mackintosh James Douglas Mrs 1969 4 3 10 A Death 1969 3 28
Mackintosh Margaret Michie
1969 4 3 10 A Death 1969 3 28
MacLean Jack Thomas
1964 5 28 4 B Graduation 1964 6 1 Picture
Maddox Daughter to Kenneth R. Mr & Mrs 1960 5 19 4 A Birth 1960 5 18
Maddox Emmogene Ashurst
1961 10 5 1 B Married 1951

Maddox Lori
1966 3 10 4 A Birth 1966 2 26
Magwood Bernice
1966 9 1 10 A Marriage Licenses 1966

Magwood Bina F.
1966 4 7 3 A Death 1966 3 28
Magwood Gloria Ann
1963 7 25 8 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Magwood Newman Sr 1962 8 16 7 A Death 1962 8 1
Magwood Samuel
1961 2 23 5 A Marriage Licenses 1961

Magwood Scipeo
1964 5 21 3 A Military Service 1964

Magwood Son to Hascall Junior Mr & Mrs 1960 4 21 4 A Birth 1960 4 19
Mahaffey James Perry
1961 11 23 4 A Engagement 1961 12

Mahaffey James Perry
1962 1 4 5 A Married 1961 12 29
Maher Matthew Francis
1969 4 17 11 A Death 1969 4 10
Major Annie S.
1962 12 27 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Malbone Roger
1967 7 13 5 A Married 1967 6 24
Mallard George Owen
1966 8 4 7 A Death 1966 8 1
Mallory Flora Louise
1964 8 6 3 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Malloy Flora L.
1964 7 16 5 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Malmsten Margareta Gunilla
1962 11 22 5 A Engagement 1962 12 1
Maloch Betty Joyce
1967 5 25 11 B Graduation 1967 5
Maloch Frances Ann
1964 4 16 5 A Engagement 1964 8 9 Picture
Maloch Frances Ann
1964 8 13 2 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Maloch Frances Ann
1964 8 13 5 A Married 1964 8 9 Picture
Maloney Arnold
1968 5 30 12 B Graduation 1968 5
Maloney Dionne Monica
1969 1 9 4 A Birth 1969 1 2
Maloney Ralph Voorhees
1968 7 11 3 A Death 1968 7 1
Maloney William J. Sr 1964 1 9 3 A Death 1964

Maloney William Jesse
1964 1 16 3 A Death 1964 1 7
Maloney William Jessie Jr 1965 12 2 6 A Death 1965 11 25
Malphrus Alma A.
1963 2 14 3 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Malphrus Jacob Mrs 1963 3 7 7 A Death 1963 3 2
Malphrus Joseph N.
1962 1 25 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Malphrus Judy
1965 11 11 5 A Graduation 1965 10 29 Picture
Malphrus Laura
1961 6 15 1 A Graduation 1961 6 9 Picture
Malphrus Leila Florence
1963 3 7 7 A Death 1963 3 2
Malphrus Pinckney Ryan Jr 1962 6 21 5 A Birth 1962 6 2
Malphrus Thomas Broadus
1960 2 25 7 A Death 1960 2 19
Malphrus Warren Otis Jr 1968 10 17 12 A Death 1968 10 10
Malphrus Warren Otis Jr 1968 10 31 1 A Death 1968 10 10
Manges Brian Kevin
1963 7 18 6 A Birth 1963 7 2
Manges Marc
1960 8 25 7 B Married 1960 8 21 Ritter
Manges Marc E.
1960 8 18 6 A Marriage Licenses 1960 8

Manges Marc E.
1960 8 25 5 A Married 1960 8 21
Manges Mark E.
1960 7 28 4 A Engagement 1960 8 21
Mangham Mary Jane
1960 6 16 4 A Birth 1960 6 14
Mangum Ashley
1961 5 25 4 B Graduation 1961 6 1 Picture
Mangum Ashley
1963 8 22 5 A Married 1963 8 24
Mangum Ashley D.
1963 8 15 1 B Military Service 1963

Mangum Ashley DeLance
1963 9 12 5 A Married 1963 8 24
Mangum Charles Benjamin
1966 5 26 4 C Graduation 1966 5 30 Picture
Mangum Charles Benjamin
1966 10 6 8 A Married 1966 9 9 Picture
Mangum Charles Benjamin Jr 1968 11 21 4 A Birth 1968 11 18
Mangum Della
1962 7 19 5 A Married 1962 7 8
Mangum Della
1962 7 19 6 A Marriage Licenses 1962

Mangum DeLoris
1968 5 30 11 B Graduation 1968 5
Mangum I. P. III 1964 12 31 8 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Mangum I. P. Mrs 1966 9 22 7 A Death 1966 9 14
Mangum I. P., Sr Mrs 1965 1 21 5 A 83rd Birthday 1965 1

Mangum Inglis Parks III 1965 1 7 4 A Married 1964 12 25
Mangum Joseph Parks
1967 2 2 6 A Birth 1967 1 28
Mangum Sara Ella Funderburk
1966 9 22 7 A Death 1966 9 14
Manigault Clara Holmer
1963 4 25 3 A Death 1963 4 8
Manigault Delores
1965 5 6 2 C Marriage Licenses 1965

Manigault Ezekiel
1960 8 25 2 A Death 1960 8 21
Manigault Ira Elggernon
1964 8 6 6 A Birth 1964 7 30
Manigault Isaiah
1963 2 14 3 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Manigo Agnes Anne
1960 11 17 5 A Birth 1960 11 10
Manigo Charles
1966 10 20 4 A Death 1966 10 9
Manigo Charles William
1962 5 24 3 A Marriage Licenses 1962

Manigo Chris
1969 3 20 8 A Death 1969 3 14
Manigo Clyde Darius
1962 8 9 4 A Birth 1962 8 3
Manigo Derrick Jerome
1961 12 28 4 A Birth 1961 12 25
Manigo Edith
1968 5 30 10 B Graduation 1968 5
Manigo Edna Mae
1961 10 5 2 C Marriage Licenses 1961

Manigo Erwin Levon
1962 10 25 5 A Birth 1962 10 18
Manigo Gladys
1968 5 30 10 B Graduation 1968 5
Manigo Glenda Magaline
1960 2 25 4 A Birth 1960 2 18
Manigo Ishmel
1961 12 28 3 A Marriage Licenses 1961

Manigo James
1965 8 26 3 A Death 1965 8 18
Manigo Jerome Junior
1964 10 29 6 A Birth 1964 10 24
Manigo Joe Ann
1960 11 10 4 A Birth 1960 11 2
Manigo Johnny
1962 11 22 8 A Marriage Licenses 1962

Manigo Johnny
1968 5 30 9 B Graduation 1968 5

Manigo Joseph Bouvier
1964 1 9 5 A Birth 1963 12 31
Manigo Lorene
1967 5 25 10 B Graduation 1967 5
Manigo Louis II 1969 11 6 5 A Birth 1969 11 1
Manigo Margie
1969 5 29 12 C Graduation 1969

Manigo Monica Frezel
1968 10 31 5 A Birth 1968 10 26
Manigo Ollie Jerome Jr 1963 11 21 5 A Birth 1963 11 14
Manigo Queen E.
1968 5 30 10 B Graduation 1968 5
Manigo Ricky Anthony
1961 7 27 6 A Birth 1961 7 23
Manigo Rita Elaine
1960 12 15 5 A Birth 1960 12 11
Manigo Robert Lee
1969 3 6 4 A Birth 1969 3 1
Manigo Sandra Elaine
1968 10 10 6 A Birth 1968 10 6
Manigo Sharon Denise
1961 11 30 5 A Birth 1961 11 22
Manigo Shirley
1967 5 25 9 B Graduation 1967 5

Manigo Sinclair
1965 9 2 3 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Manigo Son to Harold Mr & Mrs 1969 8 28 4 A Birth 1969 8 24
Manigo Son to Willie Mr & Mrs 1967 6 29 5 A Birth 1967 6 26
Manigo Son to Willie Mr & Mrs 1968 9 19 4 A Birth 1968 9 15
Manigo Thomas L.
1966 8 18 6 A Married 1966 7 23
Manigo Vera
1969 6 12 7 A Graduation 1969

Manigo Veronica
1967 5 25 10 B Graduation 1967 5
Manigo Viola
1967 5 25 10 B Graduation 1967 5
Manigo Viola
1969 5 29 12 C Graduation 1969

Manigo Wilhemenia J.
1966 11 17 2 A Death 1966 11 13
Manigo William LeMayne
1964 11 19 5 A Birth 1964 11 17
Manigualt Richmond
1967 10 26 9 A Military Service 1967

Mann Daughter to Henry Daniel, Jr Mr & Mrs 1960 6 23 4 A Birth 1960 6 21
Mann Emily Jane
1961 9 28 4 A Engagement 1961 12 17 Picture
Mann Jane
1962 1 4 4 A Married 1961 12 17 Picture
Mann Son to Willie Mr & Mrs 1964 9 3 8 A Birth 1964 8 30
Manning C. D. Mrs 1960 6 23 3 A Death 1959 6 20
Manning Sue Godley
1960 6 23 3 A Death 1959 6 20
Mansell Stacy Lynn
1968 4 25 6 A Birth 1968 4 20
Manship Ralph H.
1961 6 29 7 A Death 1961 6 22
Manuel Margaret Baggett Griscom
1969 4 10 7 A Death 1969 4 2
Marable Jenny
1961 5 25 4 B Graduation 1961 6 1 Picture
Marable Jenny Rosalie
1962 11 22 5 A Engagement 1963 1
Marable Jenny Rosalie
1962 11 29 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Marcant Teresa Anne
1967 3 9 4 A Birth 1967 3 6
Marchand James R.
1963 9 12 4 A Engagement 1963 11 3
Marchant Donald Curtis
1961 6 29 6 A Birth 1961 6 27
Marchant Johnny Malone
1964 1 9 5 A Birth 1963 12 14
Marchant Joseph Jr 1960 1 21 4 A Birth 1960 1 15
Marchant Kristy Dianne
1966 12 15 5 A Birth 1966 12 9
Marchant Nora Avant
1966 7 28 7 A Death 1966 7 27
Marchant Ricky Linn
1962 7 12 6 A Birth 1962 7 4
Marchant Sherry Lynn
1964 3 12 4 A Birth 1964 3 4
Marchant Tammie Rebecca
1963 9 12 4 A Birth 1963 9 9
Marchant William E. Mrs 1966 7 28 7 A Death 1966 7 27
Mardaugh Mary Ann
1966 7 14 6 A Marriage Licenses 1966

Maree Gerald
1964 8 6 3 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Maree Gerald Anthony
1965 6 24 4 A Birth 1965 6 18
Maree Mildred
1967 5 25 10 B Graduation 1967 5
Maree Ronald
1967 5 25 9 B Graduation 1967 5

Maree Ruby Johnson
1967 6 22 1 B Graduation 1967 6 15 Picture
Maree Vivian
1965 10 28 10 A Engagement

Marion Baptist Church
1963 5 16 8 A Dedication 1963 5 19 Picture
Marion Jerry Lane
1963 8 15 5 A Married 1963 8 10
Mark William
1960 3 17 7 A Death 1960 3 14
Marler A. Q., Sr Mrs 1968 8 29 9 A Death 1968 8 26
Marsh Audry Elizabeth
1962 11 15 5 A Engagement 1962 12 22 Picture
Marsh Brenda Lee
1961 2 23 4 A Birth 1961 2 16
Marsh Carobelle Moyer
1960 9 15 6 A Death 1960 9 10
Marshall David Jerry Jr 1960 11 3 5 A Birth 1960 10 28
Marshall Donna Lee
1961 11 16 5 A Birth 1961 11 5
Marshall Ira Richard Jr 1966 10 20 5 A Married 1966 9 11
Marshall Louis
1965 12 23 5 A Married 1965 12 11 Picture
Marshall Louis
1965 12 23 5 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Marshall Steve Gene
1960 3 24 5 A Birth 1960 3 23
Marshall Steven Gene
1961 1 5 7 A Death 1960 12 25
Marshall Steven Gene
1961 1 5 7 A Birth 1960 3 23
Marshall Vernetta
1969 5 29 12 C Graduation 1969

Marter Mattie
1962 6 14 8 A Graduation 1962 6 15 Picture
Martin Alice Arenia
1961 12 21 4 A Birth 1961 12 20
Martin Allen
1967 5 25 12 B Graduation 1967 5 29 Picture
Martin Alma Godley Jones
1969 1 30 7 A Death 1969 1 22
Martin Ann
1965 6 24 5 A Married 1965 6 18
Martin Aron George
1968 5 23 9 A Death 1968 5 15
Martin Barbara Melissa
1965 3 4 8 A Death 1965 3 1
Martin Bennie Soloman
1960 1 7 3 A Death 1959 12 31
Martin Betty Loraine
1965 3 4 6 A Birth 1965 2 23
Martin Betty Morningstar
1967 6 1 3 A Graduation 1967 5 30
Martin Betty Morningstar
1967 6 8 3 A Graduation 1967 5 30 Picture
Martin Beverly Teresa
1962 11 22 5 A Birth 1962 11 18
Martin Capers
1964 8 27 6 A 82nd Birthday 1964 8 16
Martin Capers
1967 8 31 6 A 85th Birthday 1967 8 20
Martin Capers E. Mrs 1964 3 12 3 A Death 1964 3 8
Martin Capers Eugene
1968 9 5 8 A Death 1968 8 31
Martin Carrie Morris
1964 3 12 3 A Death 1964 3 8
Martin Cathleen
1964 6 4 5 A Birth 1964 6 1
Martin Charles
1966 1 20 4 A Engagement 1966 4 9
Martin Charles Duncan
1963 4 11 7 A Death 1963 4 6
Martin Charles E.
1966 5 12 5 A Marriage Licenses 1966

Martin Charles Emory
1966 3 24 6 A Engagement 1966 4 9
Martin Charles Emory
1966 4 14 4 A Married 1966 4 9
Martin Charlie Mrs 1962 1 25 6 A Death 1962 1 19
Martin Charlie
1965 2 18 2 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Martin Claude M.
1966 9 29 8 A Death 1966 9 21
Martin Daughter of Paul C. Mr & Mrs 1965 3 4 8 A Death 1965 3 1
Martin Deborah Lynne
1960 10 13 4 A Birth 1960 10 9
Martin Don
1969 5 29 9 C Graduation 1969

Martin Donald
1963 1 3 4 A Birth 1962 12 26
Martin Dorothy
1962 5 31 4 B Graduation 1962 5 31 Picture
Martin Dorothy Evaluda
1963 2 21 5 A Engagement

Martin E. E. (Gene)
1966 1 20 8 A Newcomer 1966

Martin Eddie
1961 5 25 2 A Marriage Licenses 1961

Martin Elizabeth Rebecca Redman
1960 4 28 6 A Death 1960 4 23
Martin Ernest
1967 11 30 4 A Birth 1967 11 21
Martin Francis M.
1967 3 16 2 B Military Service 1967

Martin George Gavin
1966 8 4 5 A Birth 1966 8 1
Martin George Henry
1962 3 1 7 A Death 1962 2 25
Martin Gloria Mae
1961 5 18 7 B Married 1961 5 13
Martin Gloria Mae
1961 5 25 2 A Marriage Licenses 1961

Martin Hansford Mrs 1965 7 15 7 A Death 1965 7 12
Martin Henry D. Mrs 1969 1 30 7 A Death 1969 1 22
Martin Henry Dowling
1960 8 18 7 A Death 1960 8 16
Martin Horace P.
1963 3 14 8 A Death 1963 3 9
Martin Hudson (Rade)
1969 9 18 7 A Death 1969 9 13
Martin Irene Magwood
1962 12 20 3 A Death 1962 11 30
Martin Jack Rev & Mrs 1961 8 31 1 C Newcomer 1961

Martin Jack B.
1963 4 18 4 A Married 1962 12 27
Martin Jacquelyne Kaye
1965 9 2 5 A Married 1965 6 21 Picture
Martin James Eddie Jr 1964 4 2 4 A Birth 1964 3 29
Martin James Eddie (Ned)
1961 5 18 7 B Married 1961 5 13
Martin Joe L.
1962 6 21 7 A In Memory 1953 6 26
Martin Joe L. Mrs 1962 11 1 1 B 77th Birthday 1962 10 28
Martin Joe L. Mrs 1969 10 23 11 A 84th Birthday 1969 10 19
Martin John Augustus
1961 2 2 3 A Death 1961 1 31
Martin John Henry
1969 7 24 3 A Death 1969 7 20
Martin John Sell Mrs 1960 4 28 6 A Death 1960 4 23
Martin John W.
1960 2 25 7 A Death 1960 2 17
Martin Joseph Mrs 1965 4 29 7 A Death 1965 4 18
Martin Joseph H. Mrs 1965 1 28 3 A Death 1965 1 20
Martin Joseph Henry
1969 6 26 8 A Death 1969 6 21
Martin Kevin Bryan
1964 11 19 5 A Birth 1964 11 11
Martin Larry Hoyt
1966 5 26 2 A Death 1966 5 18
Martin Leon
1968 5 30 10 B Graduation 1968 5
Martin Leroy
1967 5 25 10 B Graduation 1967 5
Martin Leslie Mechell
1968 3 7 4 A Birth 1968 2 28
Martin Lewis M.
1963 2 28 1 A Death 1963 2 24
Martin Linda Jean
1969 1 16 4 A Engagement 1969 2
Martin Linda Jean
1969 2 20 5 A Married 1969 2 14 Picture
Martin Louise
1960 10 6 1 B Marriage Licenses 1960

Martin Lucas
1964 4 2 3 A Feature Article 1964 4 2 Picture
Martin Lucas
1969 12 18 8 B Forestry Article 1969 12 18 Picture
Martin Maggie
1962 1 11 7 B 90th Birthday 1962 1 7
Martin Maggie Creel
1965 4 29 7 A Death 1965 4 18
Martin Margaret Ann Benton (Maggie)
1965 7 15 7 A Death 1965 7 12
Martin Marion C.
1968 1 18 6 A Death 1968 1 15
Martin Mary
1964 4 16 7 B Married 1964 4
Rum Gully
Martin Mary Angela
1968 11 21 4 A Birth 1968 11 16
Martin Mary Elizabeth
1967 12 7 4 A Birth 1967 11 27
Martin Melissa Anne
1965 5 27 4 B Graduation 1965 5 31 Picture
Martin Mellissa
1965 6 17 4 A Engagement 1965 6 18
Martin Mellissa Ann
1965 7 1 8 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Martin Mellissa Ann
1965 7 22 6 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Martin Michael Barry
1961 11 2 5 A Birth 1961 8 21
Martin Michael DeLane
1969 10 23 6 A Birth 1969 10 19
Martin Michael Timothy
1961 3 30 4 A Birth 1961 3 23
Martin Mildred Bruce
1963 10 24 4 A Married 1963 10 24
Martin Miriam Ann
1965 5 27 4 A Engagement 1965 8 8 Picture
Martin Miriam Ann
1965 8 12 4 A Married 1965 8 8
Martin Myra Gaynelle
1966 5 26 4 C Graduation 1966 5 30 Picture
Martin Nicky
1967 5 25 11 B Graduation 1967 5
Martin Nora Mills
1962 1 25 6 A Death 1962 1 19
Martin Pam
1968 3 7 1 B State Championship 1968 3 1 Picture
Martin Patricia
1965 5 27 5 B Graduation 1965 5 31 Picture
Martin Patricia
1969 1 30 4 A Engagement 1969 2 21 Picture
Martin Patricia
1969 3 13 5 A Married 1969 2 21
Martin Patricia Joyce
1962 8 9 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Martin Patricia Kay
1964 12 10 4 A Birth 1964 12 4
Martin Priscilla W.
1962 3 22 5 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Martin Ramie Carol
1969 10 23 4 A Engagement 1969 11 23
Martin Rickey Carl
1964 10 8 5 A Birth 1964 9 29
Martin Ricky Allen
1967 9 14 5 A Birth 1967 9 11
Martin Rosa Mae
1964 5 21 7 A Marriage Licenses 1964

Martin Rusia R.Tant
1965 1 28 3 A Death 1965 1 20
Martin Ruth Bell Deal
1967 12 7 3 C Death 1967 11 30
Martin Sam Jr 1960 6 23 3 A In Memory 1959 6 26
Martin Sam
1961 6 29 7 A In Memory 1959 6 26
Martin Sandra Elizabeth
1963 10 31 4 A Birth 1963 10 26
Martin Son to Cornelius Mr & Mrs 1964 6 18 3 A Birth 1964 6 16
Martin Son to Frederick Hosea Mr & Mrs 1960 12 1 4 A Birth 1960 11 28
Martin T. L. (Lucious)
1969 5 1 11 A Death 1969 4 26
Martin Tami Roseanne
1969 11 27 5 A Birth 1969 11 18
Martin Tammie Kay
1960 12 8 5 A Birth 1960 12 5
Martin Thomas Leland Mrs 1967 12 7 3 C Death 1967 11 30
Martin Tommie Loraine
1966 3 24 7 A Birth 1966 3 15
Martin Vinton
1961 11 30 6 A Birth 1954 8 8 A Triplet
Martin Viola
1961 11 30 6 A Birth 1954 8 8 A Triplet
Martin Violet
1961 11 30 6 A Birth 1954 8 8 A Triplet
Martin W. A. Mrs 1966 9 15 3 A Death 1966 9 11
Martin Whiteford Claude
1964 10 22 1 A Death 1964 10 18
Martin Woodrow Wilson Jr 1966 5 26 5 C Graduation 1966 5 30 Picture
Martin Wydette
1962 3 22 5 A Married 1962 3 6 Picture
Marting M. Emerson
1963 2 28 3 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Marvin Alta Mae
1969 5 29 9 C Graduation 1969

Marvin Anna Gregg
1965 7 29 7 A Death 1965 7 23
Marvin Atalie Moore
1965 12 16 3 A Death 1965 12 10
Marvin Bertha Ida Willis
1969 6 12 9 A Death 1969 6 9
Marvin Desmond Mrs 1961 7 20 1 B Feature Article 1961 7 20
Marvin Donna Grace
1963 7 11 5 A Engagement 1964 1
Marvin Donna Grace
1964 1 9 4 A Engagement 1964 1 25
Marvin Donna Grace
1964 1 30 5 A Married 1964 1 25 Picture
Marvin Earle Robert
1967 5 25 11 B Graduation 1967 5
Marvin Earle Robert
1967 8 3 1 A Graduation 1967 7 28
Marvin Earle Robert
1969 9 25 5 A Married 1969 4 18
Marvin Ernest A. Mrs 1965 7 29 7 A Death 1965 7 23
Marvin Ernest Allison
1967 3 2 3 A Death 1967 2 23
Marvin Hal W.
1968 10 10 7 A Death 1968 10 7
Marvin James Bernard
1966 3 3 7 A Death 1966 2 26
Marvin James Poyas Jr 1964 6 4 5 A Engagement 1964 7 11
Marvin James Poyas Jr 1964 7 16 4 A Married 1964 7 11
Marvin June
1962 9 6 5 A Engagement

Marvin June
1962 11 22 5 A Married 1962 11 15
Marvin Kim Michele
1964 5 28 7 A Death 1964 5 18
Marvin Lillian Eloise
1960 3 3 3 A Death 1960 2 29
Marvin Maggie
1964 7 16 8 A Death 1964 7 2
Marvin Margaret Lowry
1963 2 21 7 A Death 1963 2 16
Marvin Mark Linder
1966 3 3 5 A Birth 1966 2 10
Marvin Martha
1960 5 26 2 C Graduation 1960 5 27 Picture
Marvin Martha R.
1964 6 11 6 A Graduation 1964 6 7 Picture
Marvin Martha Rebecca
1965 6 3 5 A Married 1965 5 29 Picture
Marvin Mayme Lauralla
1965 5 27 4 B Graduation 1965 5 31 Picture
Marvin Mel
1962 6 7 4 A Graduation 1962 5 29
Marvin Melvin Williams
1965 10 21 4 A Engagement

Marvin Melvin Williams
1965 12 23 5 A Married 1965 12 18
Marvin Oscar Mrs 1965 12 16 3 A Death 1965 12 10
Marvin Oscar
1969 3 20 8 A Death 1969 3 16
Marvin R. Desmond
1963 2 28 6 A Death 1963 2 25
Marvin Ransom Desmond Jr 1965 1 28 3 A Death 1965 1 22
Marvin Samuel S. Mrs 1963 2 21 7 A Death 1963 2 16
Marvin W. T. Mr & Mrs 1966 8 4 3 B 25th Anniversary 1966 7 31
Marvin William Horace Mrs 1969 6 12 9 A Death 1969 6 9
Mason Emily C.
1964 7 23 3 A Death 1964 7 16
Mason Herbert B.
1962 1 18 6 A Death 1962 1 11
Mason Jean Carol
1960 1 7 4 A Birth 1960 1 3
Mason Jean Carol
1960 2 25 7 A Death 1960 2 23
Mason John W. Mrs 1964 7 23 3 A Death 1964 7 16
Mason Martha Burford
1969 3 27 11 A Death 1969 3 22
Mason Russell Eugene 3rd 1964 2 13 5 A Birth 1964 2

Mason Sallie
1963 6 27 1 B Graduation 1963 6 21 Picture
Mason Zoie Edith
1960 6 2 4 A Married 1960 5 14 Picture

1964 10 1 6 A Engagement

Massingill Thomas Layton
1964 12 31 5 A Married 1964 12 24
Matheson Bessie Inez
1962 3 1 1 B Marriage Licenses 1962

Mathews Howard Blount Jr 1963 8 1 5 A Married 1963 7 27
Mathews Joyce Victoria
1966 10 13 4 A Married 1966 9 10
Mathis Frances R. Simmons
1963 9 12 7 A Graduation 1963 6 1 Picture
Mathis John Leroy
1962 8 9 3 A Death 1962 8 3
Mathis Roswell Earl Jr 1963 8 15 4 A Married 1963 8 10
Mathis Samuel Aaron
1961 6 22 3 A Death 1961 6 19
Matthews Gelmay
1963 8 8 6 A Marriage Licenses 1963

Matthews George
1960 12 1 3 A Marriage Licenses 1960

Matthews Howard Blount
1963 3 7 5 A Engagement 1963 7 27
Matthews Judith Ann
1965 5 13 4 A Engagement 1965 8
Matthews Judith Ann
1965 8 12 4 A Married 1965 8 1 Picture
Matthews Mamie Garris
1968 5 16 8 A Death 1968 5 14
Matthews Mamie Garris
1968 5 23 9 A Funeral 1968 5 16
Matthews Mary Ellen (Mamie)
1962 2 15 7 A Death 1962 2 7
Matthews Mose Charles (Bill) Jr 1961 6 29 7 A Death 1961 6 26
Matthews Nettie Sandifer
1969 9 11 6 A Death 1969 9 4
Matthews Robert C., Dr Mrs 1969 9 11 6 A Death 1969 9 4
Matthews Rupert Bailey Mrs 1968 5 16 8 A Death 1968 5 14
Matthews Rupert Bailey Mrs 1968 5 23 9 A Funeral 1968 5 16
Matthews Sons to Benjamin Mr & Mrs 1960 9 1 4 A Birth 1960 8 31 Twins
Matthews William Monroe Mrs 1962 2 15 7 A Death 1962 2 7
Mattox Kendrick Ware Jr 1967 7 13 5 A Engagement 1967 9

Mattox Kendrick Ware Jr 1967 9 21 5 A Married 1967 9 16
Mattox Robert P. (Bob) Mr & Mrs 1962 4 26 2 C Newcomer 1962

Mauldin Avery B. Mrs 1969 1 16 9 A Death 1968 12 30
Mauldin Florence Arabelle Ackerman
1969 1 16 9 A Death 1968 12 30
Mauldin William S.
1962 7 5 5 A Marriage Licenses 1962

Maxcey Homer Shuler
1964 2 6 1 A Death 1964 2 1
Maxcey Janis Marie
1969 5 29 9 C Graduation 1969

Maxcey Janis Marie
1969 7 31 1 A Graduation 1969 7 25
Maxcey Linda Prudence
1963 8 22 6 A Married 1963 8 17 Picture
Maxcey Margaret Joy
1967 5 25 11 B Graduation 1967 5
Maxcey Willie Wescoat
1962 12 27 3 A Death 1962 12 26
Maxcey Willie Wescoat
1963 1 3 3 A Funeral 1962 12 27
Maxey Barbara Ann
1960 7 28 1 B Marriage Licenses 1960 7

Maxey D. O.
1964 11 26 6 B Marriage Licenses 1964

Maxey Daniel O'Hayer
1964 10 22 5 A Engagement 1964 11

Maxey Daniel O'Hayer
1964 12 10 5 A Married 1964 11 21
Maxey David L.
1961 12 28 1 A Death 1961 12 22
Maxey Ernest W. Mrs 1961 10 19 7 A Death 1961 10 16
Maxey Frances
1965 1 21 4 A Married 1965 1 16
Maxey J. R.
1962 2 22 1 B Feature Article 1962 2 22
Maxey Jefferson Laurance
1967 5 25 11 B Graduation 1967 5
Maxey Jefferson Laurance
1968 10 17 7 A Engagement 1969 1

Maxey Jefferson Laurence
1967 8 3 1 A Graduation 1967 7 28
Maxey Jefferson Lawrence Jr 1969 1 30 5 A Married 1969 1 26
Maxey John Heyward
1965 2 11 3 A Death 1965 2 7
Maxey Joy Ann
1969 4 17 4 A Engagement 1969 5 17
Maxey Joy Ann
1969 5 22 4 A Married 1969 5 17 Picture
Maxey Judy
1963 5 30 4 B Graduation 1963 5 30 Picture
Maxey Leslie F.
1964 2 13 7 A Death 1964 2 5
Maxey Lois Judith
1964 2 20 4 A Married 1964 2 8 Picture
Maxey Margaret
1961 5 25 4 B Graduation 1961 6 1 Picture
Maxey Margaret Cecilia
1962 9 20 2 A Marriage Licenses 1962

Maxey Mark Wilson
1964 2 6 5 A Birth 1964 1 30
Maxey Martha Bartie
1961 10 19 7 A Death 1961 10 16
Maxey Mary
1969 1 2 5 A Graduation 1968 12 21 Picture
Maxey Mary Ruth
1960 10 13 1 A Girl's State 1960 10 6 Picture
Maxey Mary Ruth
1960 10 20 6 A Furman Scholar 1960

Maxey Mary Ruth
1961 5 25 4 B Graduation 1961 6 1 Picture
Maxey Mary Ruth
1965 6 3 3 A Graduation 1965 5 30 Picture
Maxey Miriam Linda
1966 6 23 4 A Married 1966 6 11
Maxey Naomi
1960 5 26 2 C Graduation 1960 5 27 Picture
Maxey Naomi F.
1960 6 30 6 A Marriage Licenses 1960 6

Maxey Naomi Fripp
1960 5 5 5 A Engagement

Maxey Naomi Fripp
1960 6 23 4 A Married 1960 6 16 Picture
Maxey Norma Kathleen
1960 9 8 7 A Married 1950 8 20
Maxey Searson W.
1961 5 18 7 A Death 1961 5 15
Maxey Son to Eugene William Mr & Mrs 1965 9 16 5 A Birth 1965 9 14
Maxey Thomas Clyde
1962 7 12 3 A Death 1962 7 1
Maxey Timmy
1961 12 28 1 A Death 1961 12 22
Maxey Wilson Lamar
1960 9 22 4 A Birth 1960 9 16
Maxey Woodrow Wilson
1967 11 9 9 A Death 1967 11 4
Maxey Yvette F. Mrs 1969 8 7 5 A Married 1969 7 29
Maxwell Alice Maxwell
1965 9 23 7 A Death 1965 9 13
Maxwell Ashepoo
1969 6 5 1 A Death 1969 5 30
Maxwell Willie
1963 4 25 3 A Death 1963 4 18
May C. Victor
1965 5 27 7 A Death 1965 5 20
May George Jr 1967 10 12 1 A Death 1967 10 5
May I. J. Mrs 1964 9 24 3 A Death 1964 9 22
May Marion E.
1964 11 5 3 A Death 1964 10 28
May Sara McTeer
1964 9 24 3 A Death 1964 9 22
Mayer Harold
1962 5 31 4 B Graduation 1962 5 31 Picture
Mayer J. H. Jr 1965 9 2 3 A Marriage Licenses 1965

Mayer J. Harold Jr 1965 7 15 4 A Engagement 1965 8

Mayer J. Harold Jr 1969 11 6 5 A Engagement 1969 12 28
Mayer Jacob Harold Jr 1965 7 29 4 A Engagement 1965 8 7
Mayer Jacob Harold Jr 1965 8 12 4 A Married 1965 8 7
Mayer Sue Ida Bouknight
1962 4 5 7 A Death 1962 4 1
Maynard Wesley
1968 5 30 10 B Graduation 1968 5
Mays Alfonza Gerome
1967 8 10 5 A Birth 1967 8 2
Mays Barbara Marie
1969 6 19 5 A Birth 1969 6 9
Mays Benjamin Jr 1964 6 11 7 B Graduation 1964 6 9 Ruffin
Mays Elijah
1967 5 25 12 B Graduation 1967 5
Mays Elijah P.
1969 7 17 9 A Military Service 1969

Mays Elijah P.
1969 10 2 3 A Military Service 1969

Mazzone Joseph F. Jr 1964 2 6 5 A Married 1964 1 10
Mazzone Joseph Francis Jr 1963 12 19 3 A Engagement 1964 1

Mazzone Sandra Jean
1967 11 2 5 A Birth 1967 10 18
Mazzone Susan Frances
1965 2 25 6 A Birth 1965 2 3