Last Name First & Middle Name Suffix Prefix Issue Year Issue Mon Issue Day Page Sec Event Event Year Event Mon Event Day Remarks
Brabham Anne
1970 4 30 8 A Death 1970 4 22
Brabham Arthur Mrs 1977 6 2 10 B Graduation 1889

Brabham Benjamin McKay
1978 4 20 9 A Birth 1978 4 14
Brabham Coleman Googe
1978 9 14 15 A Death 1978 9 6
Brabham Dathne
1976 11 4 8 A Birth 1976 10 29
Brabham Deborah Ann
1979 2 1 2 B Engagement 1979 6 23
Brabham Dennis
1975 1 9 5 A Married 1975 1 4 Petits
Brabham Grady Mrs 1970 4 30 8 A Death 1970 4 22
Brabham Hazel
1974 10 24 6 A Five Generations 1974

Brabham Isaac Donald
1978 7 6 5 B Birth 1978 6 25
Brabham J. Allie Mrs 1978 1 5 11 A Death 1978 1 1
Brabham Janice Knight
1975 6 12 5 A Class Reunion 1965

Brabham Mae Bishop
1978 1 5 11 A Death 1978 1 1
Brabham Martha Hattie
1971 3 11 3 A Death 1971 3 7
Brabham Nicole Deatra
1979 7 19 4 B Birth 1979 7 5
Brabham Patricia Gail
1970 5 21 4 A Married 1970 5 16 Picture
Brabham Willie
1970 2 12 11 A Death 1970 2 9
Brabram Monnie
1977 8 4 10 B Death 1977 7 31 Deep Creek
Braddock Karen Lynn
1976 7 15 5 A Engagement 1976 9 18
Braddock Karen Lynn
1976 9 23 4 A Married 1976 9 18 Picture
Braddock Robert A. Jr 1975 9 25 4 A Engagement 1975 10 18
Braddock Robert Ansel Mr & Mrs 1975 5 29 9 A 25th Anniversary 1975 5 24 Picture
Braddock Robert Ansel Jr 1975 10 23 4 A Married 1975 10 18
Braden Steven Mr & Mrs 1977 5 12 8 A Newcomer 1977

Bradford Annie R.
1970 10 29 7 A Death 1970 10 22
Bradford Laura Gray
1973 7 5 5 A Birth 1973 7 4
Bradford Richard I. Mr & Mrs 1977 9 1 5 A Newcomer 1977

Bradley Alfred Daniel
1978 3 30 15 A Death 1978 3 22
Bradley Faith Raulette
1974 8 27 5
Birth 1974 8 16
Bradley Jackie
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Bradley James Allen
1978 8 31 3 B Married 1978 8 19
Bradley Joel Carson
1971 11 25 5 A Birth 1971 11 12
Bradley Joel Carson
1972 11 16 10 A Birth 1971 11 12 Picture
Bradley R. C.
1977 5 19 13 A Graduation 1977 5 15
Bradley Raul Carson
1970 1 8 5 A Engagement 1970 2

Bradley Raul Carson
1970 3 12 4 A Married 1970 2 28
Bradley Robert Alexander
1976 6 10 6 A Married 1976

Bradley Timothy Lerue
1973 2 22 6 A Birth 1973 2 15
Brady Kevin Thomas
1976 9 23 7 A Birth 1976 9 16
Brage Barbara Lynn
1975 5 22 4 A Engagement 1975 6 21 Picture
Brage Jack Allen
1979 11 29 7 A Death 1979 11 27
Brailsford John Francis Jr 1971 4 1 5 A Engagement 1971 7 14
Brailsford John Francis Jr 1971 7 22 5 A Married 1971 7 14
Brailsford Majorie Ellis
1971 7 22 4 A Married 1971 7 17 Picture
Brailsford Marjorie Ellis
1971 2 25 5 A Engagement 1971 7 17 Picture
Braker Billy Randolph
1975 10 2 10 A Death 1975 9 27
Bramlett Albert Rev 1976 3 11 9 A Death 1976 3 6
Brammer Theodore Mrs 1977 9 15 9 A Newcomer 1977

Branch Eugene
1971 2 18 6 A Death 1971 2 7
Branch Lorrine Smith
1977 1 27 12 A Death 1977 1 19
Branch Rockefeller
1976 3 11 6 B Death 1976

Branch Rockfeller
1976 3 4 10 A Death 1976 2 29
Brand Barbara Diane
1971 6 24 7 A Birth 1971 6 15
Brandley J. T.
1977 2 17 13 A Death 1977 2 6
Brandt Donald Moye
1972 4 20 4 A Engagement 1972 7 15
Brandt Donald Moye
1972 7 20 4 A Married 1972 7 15
Brandt John Moye
1974 7 25 12 A Death 1974 7 21
Brangers Pam
1974 3 14 4 A Married 1974 3 1
Branham Ida Nell
1972 6 1 7 A Death 1972 5 26
Branham Jessie Jr 1976 7 29 4 A Engagement 1976 9 25
Branham Jessie C. Jr 1976 9 30 4 A Married 1976 9 25
Branham John G. Mrs 1972 6 1 7 A Death 1972 5 26
Brannen Jean Dodge
1974 6 27 4 A Engagement 1974 8 17
Brannen Jean Dodge
1974 8 22 4 A Married 1974 8 17 Picture
Brannen L. M. Mr & Mrs 1974 9 17 4
Newcomer 1974

Brannum Phinetha
1970 1 22 9 A Death 1970 1 12
Brant Angus Hamilton Mrs 1970 7 30 4 A 100th Birthday 1970 7 19
Brant Angus Hamilton Mrs 1972 4 27 9 A Death 1972 4 23
Brant Lottie Givens
1978 7 27 11 A Death 1978 7 22
Brant Virginia Lois
1972 7 6 16 A Death 1972 6 27
Brant Winfred Mozelle Cope
1970 7 30 4 A 100th Birthday 1970 7 19
Brant Winifred C.
1972 4 27 9 A Death 1972 4 23
Brantley J. T.
1977 2 10 1 A Death 1977 2 6
Branton Alice C.
1970 6 4 2 D Graduation 1970

Branton Alice Clio
1970 4 23 4 A Engagement 1970 8 21 Picture
Branton Alice Clio
1970 8 20 5 A Married 1970 8 21
Branton Alice Clio
1970 9 3 4 A Married 1970 8 21 Picture
Branton Isabelle Craven
1971 11 4 8 A Death 1971 10 28
Branton John A. Mrs 1974 10 15 7
Death 1974 10 10
Branton Ruth Paul
1974 10 15 7
Death 1974 10 10
Branton Tom M. Mrs 1971 11 4 8 A Death 1971 10 28
Bratcher Jimmy Mr & Mrs 1977 8 18 5 A Newcomer 1977

Bratton Lesley Tennant
1972 7 27 8 A Death 1972 7 21
Braun Charles Joseph
1970 5 28 4 A Married 1970 5 23
Braunagel Nicholas Anton
1973 4 19 1 A Death 1973 4 14
Braunstein Kenneth Myron
1976 6 10 9 A Graduation 1976 6 3
Braunstein Kenneth Myron Dr 1977 9 8 6 A Married 1977 9 4
Braunstein Mark
1974 6 20 9 A Graduation 1974

Braxton Mandy Elizabeth
1976 3 25 6 A Birth 1976 3 19
Brazell Elizabeth
1970 3 19 5 A Married 1970 2 25 Picture
Brazell Frank A. Sr 1977 3 3 13 A Death

Brazell Frank A. Mrs 1977 6 16 13 A Death 1977 6 11
Brazell Frank Arthur Sr 1977 2 24 12 A Death 1977 2 16
Brazell Rosa Lee Hare
1977 6 16 13 A Death 1977 6 11
Brazzle Elizabeth
1970 3 12 6 C Married 1970 2 25
Breaker Harvey Mrs 1970 10 22 3 A Death 1970 10 19
Breaker Harvey Vinson
1972 10 19 7 A Death 1972 10 11
Breaker Jeanette G. Friendly
1970 10 22 3 A Death 1970 10 19
Bredlove Virginia Dean
1974 5 16 10 A Graduation 1974 5 10
Breeding Joan Miss 1973 9 27 5 A Newcomer 1973

Breedlove Alton Randall
1970 2 12 1 A Death 1970 2 7
Breedlove Benjamin Andrew Mr & Mrs 1972 4 6 4 A 25th Anniversary 1972 4 1 Picture
Breedlove Benjamin Andrew Jr 1977 6 16 4 A Married 1977 6 10
Breedlove Crystal Dawn
1978 2 2 6 A Birth 1978 1 26
Breedlove Jennie Ruth Mrs 1973 6 7 10 A Class Reunion 1943

Breedlove Patricia Lynn
1970 7 23 4 A Married 1970 3 16
Breedlove Sally Lee
1970 2 12 1 A Death 1970 2 7
Breedlove Virginia Dean
1970 6 4 6 D Graduation 1970

Breeland Jessie
1970 6 4 4 D Graduation 1970

Breeland Marshall Willis
1977 1 20 9 A Death 1977 1 16
Breland Alvin
1972 6 1 11 B Graduation 1972

Breland Amy Watson
1975 2 11 4
Birth 1975 2 3
Breland Angela Marie
1977 2 10 8 A Birth 1977 2 4
Breland Archie C. Mrs 1974 3 28 9 A Death 1974 3 26
Breland Audrey Lavell
1972 6 8 5 A Birth 1972 6 2
Breland Bernice Jones
1979 5 17 8 B Graduation 1979 5 9
Breland Bill
1978 11 9 1 A Death

Breland Bill
1979 7 19 7 B Class Reunion 1954

Breland Bonnie Marie
1970 2 19 4 A Engagement 1970 6
Breland Bonnie Marie
1970 6 25 5 A Married 1970 6 12
Breland Bonnie Marie
1970 6 4 6 D Graduation 1970

Breland Carey B. Mrs 1979 2 22 11 A Death 1979 2 21
Breland Caroline deBeruff
1970 2 26 8 A Death 1970 2 19
Breland Carrie Mae
1976 12 16 13 A Death 1976 12 10
Breland Charles Gary
1975 10 2 8 A Death 1975 9 29
Breland Charles H. Mr & Mrs 1975 2 27 4 A 25th Anniversary 1975 2 2 Picture
Breland Charles Herman Jr 1972 5 18 6 A Engagement

Breland Charles Herman Jr 1972 6 15 5 A Engagement

Breland Charles Herman Jr 1972 8 17 4 A Married 1972 8 11
Breland Charles Michael
1974 11 21 9 A Married 1974 11 15 Bells
Breland Charles Michael
1974 12 3 4
Married 1974 11 15
Breland Cheryl
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Breland Cheryl
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Breland Clarence Dale
1977 10 20 5 A Engagement 1977 11 26
Breland D. Berkley Mrs 1976 12 16 13 A Death 1976 12 10
Breland Dahlia Patricia
1974 1 17 5 A Married 1974 1 5 Picture
Breland Dale
1977 12 15 4 A Married 1977 11 26
Breland Daniel Michael
1975 4 17 5 A Birth 1975 4 10
Breland David Michael
1972 4 27 6 A Birth 1972 4 18
Breland Dena Travell
1973 11 22 5 A Birth 1973 11 13
Breland Donell Maurice
1973 5 3 5 A Birth 1973 4 27
Breland Donna Gail
1970 1 15 4 A Engagement 1970

Breland Donna Gail
1970 6 4 6 D Graduation 1970

Breland Donna Gail
1971 1 21 4 A Married 1971 1 15 Picture
Breland E. E. Mr & Mrs 1975 9 18 7 A Newcomer 1975

Breland Earnest Wendell
1970 11 12 3 A Death 1970 11 4
Breland Edwin
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Breland Ernest K.
1979 5 24 10 A Death 1979 5 20
Breland Ernest Klien
1979 5 31 14 A Death 1979 5 20
Breland Errett Peeples (Rhett)
1971 2 4 3 A Death 1971 1 29
Breland Ethel Steedley
1972 6 22 6 A Class Reunion 1942

Breland Ethridge Mrs 1971 5 6 9 A Death 1971 4 21
Breland Eugene Presley
1978 12 7 16 A Death 1978 12 5
Breland Faye
1971 11 4 5 A Miss Baptist College 1971

Breland Faye Marguerite
1974 5 30 8 A Graduation 1974 5 26
Breland Frances
1974 5 23 4 A Engagement 1974 6 22
Breland Frank Berry
1970 9 24 7 A Death 1970 9 19
Breland Goldie
1974 3 21 14 B 92nd Birthday 1974 3 20
Breland Golie Beach
1974 3 28 9 A Death 1974 3 26
Breland Gordon M.
1976 5 13 13 A Death 1976 5 10
Breland Harvell Rochester
1975 4 10 7 A Birth 1975 4 2
Breland Hazel LaVelle
1974 12 24 4 A Birth 1974 12 18
Breland Henry Lucas
1977 1 6 11 A Death 1977 2 3
Breland Inez Porter Graham
1979 8 30 16 A Death 1979 8 22
Breland James Edward
1975 10 2 5 A Birth 1975 9 28
Breland James Harris Jr 1970 1 15 5 A Engagement 1970

Breland James Harris Jr 1970 9 24 5 A Married 1970 9 12
Breland James Merrial
1977 2 10 1 A Death 1977 2 2
Breland Jenny Edith
1972 11 2 5 A Married 1972 10 14 Picture
Breland Joyce Canaday Mrs 1974 6 13 8 A Graduation 1974 6 10
Breland Joyce Janette
1977 12 29 4 A Engagement 1978 4 2
Breland Joyce Kinard
1977 1 20 6 A New Postmaster 1977

Breland Joye Janette
1978 4 6 4 A Married 1978 4 2 Picture
Breland Judy Ann
1971 6 3 5 A Married 1971 5 29 Picture
Breland Julius Mr & Mrs 1972 3 9 4 A 50th Anniversary 1972 3 5 Picture
Breland Julius E.
1973 12 27 8 A Death 1973 12 25
Breland Kate
1974 9 26 10 A 82nd Birthday 1974 9 11
Breland Katherine
1970 1 1 5 A Married 1969 12 21
Breland Keith St. Clair
1971 10 7 4 A Birth 1971 9 28
Breland L. Clemson Mrs 1976 7 8 7 A Death 1976 7 5
Breland Larry
1970 4 2 5 A Married 1970 3 21
Breland Larry Donell Jr 1971 6 24 7 A Birth 1971 6 17
Breland Laurie Mr & Mrs 1978 11 23 13 A 50th Anniversary 1978 11 19
Breland Lessie
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Breland Lewis P. Jr 1973 7 12 12 B Military Service 1973

Breland Lillie Mae
1979 2 22 11 A Death 1979 2 21
Breland Lolis Dixon Mrs 1978 1 5 11 A Death 1977 12 31
Breland Lonnie C. Mrs 1970 10 1 9 A Death 1970 9 26
Breland Lottie Marie
1979 2 15 4 B Birth 1979 2 3
Breland Lydia Foster
1976 7 8 7 A Death 1976 7 5
Breland Madison A.
1973 11 15 10 A Military Service 1973

Breland Mae Brickle
1979 3 22 11 A Death 1979 3 18
Breland Maggie Morris
1971 5 6 9 A Death 1971 4 21
Breland Mamie Hiott
1975 12 11 9 A Death 1975 12 7
Breland Margaret
1970 7 9 4 A Married 1970 6 19 Picture
Breland Mary Frances
1973 12 6 5 A Assistant Professor 1973

Breland Mary Frances
1974 6 27 4 A Married 1974 6 22 Picture
Breland Michael
1975 6 12 5 A Class Reunion 1965

Breland Michael Bruce
1970 6 25 4 A Married 1970 6 12
Breland Mitchell
1975 3 13 3 A Military Service 1975

Breland Mitchell A.
1970 11 19 10 B Military Service 1970

Breland Mitchell A.
1971 11 18 10 B Military Service 1971

Breland Mitchell A.
1973 8 16 9 A Military Service 1973

Breland Mitchell A.
1974 3 14 3 A Military Service 1974

Breland Mitchell A.
1974 10 24 14 B Military Service 1974

Breland Montague H. Mrs 1979 3 22 11 A Death 1979 3 18
Breland Montague H. (Doc)
1973 10 18 9 A Death 1973 10 15
Breland Nellie
1971 9 30 2 A 79th Birthday 1971 9 26
Breland Nellie
1975 10 2 6 A 83rd Birthday 1975 9 27
Breland Nellie Hudson
1978 1 5 11 A Death 1977 12 31
Breland Ola Mrs 1973 6 7 10 A Class Reunion 1943

Breland Olive Myrtie Hudson
1979 11 29 7 A Death 1979 11 24
Breland Peggy Lee
1972 11 23 5 A Engagement 1973

Breland Peggy Lee
1973 5 31 5 A Married 1973 5 25 Picture
Breland R. N. Mrs 1979 8 30 16 A Death 1979 8 22
Breland Rhonda Viola
1972 2 3 5 A Birth 1972 1 30
Breland Rickey
1979 10 18 3 B Engagement 1980 1

Breland Robert
1979 6 14 1 B Class Reunion 1929

Breland Robert (Dick) Mrs 1975 12 11 9 A Death 1975 12 7
Breland Robert Elliott Mr & Mrs 1972 2 10 4 A 25th Anniversary 1972 1 22 Picture
Breland Robert Osborne
1970 1 1 3 A Death 1969 12 26
Breland Robert Osborne
1970 12 24 7 A In Memory 1969 12 26
Breland Rodney C.
1974 1 3 8 A Engagement 1974 4 6
Breland Rodney C.
1974 4 11 4 A Married 1974 4 6
Breland Rodney Cornelius
1970 6 4 2 D Graduation 1970

Breland Rodney Neil
1977 11 24 4 A Engagement 1977 12 3
Breland Royce W. Sr 1975 2 25 5
Death 1975 2 23
Breland Shirley
1978 4 27 4 A Engagement 1978 9 23
Breland Shirley Mae
1978 10 5 2 B Married 1978 9 23 Picture
Breland Son to Charles Herman Mr & Mrs 1971 1 14 5 A Birth 1971 1 11
Breland Spencer Lee
1979 10 18 4 B Birth 1979 10 5
Breland Stephen Anthony
1970 6 4 2 D Graduation 1970

Breland Stephen Anthony
1978 3 23 1 A Death 1977 9 19
Breland Stephen Anthony (Tony)
1977 9 22 1 A Death 1977 9 19
Breland Steve Monroe
1979 5 10 4 B Engagement 1979 6 30
Breland Timothy David
1971 9 16 4 A Married 1971 9 11
Breland Tony
1972 2 10 4 A Married 1972 1 22
Breland Tony
1977 9 29 1 A Funeral 1977 9 21
Breland Tony
1977 11 10 11 A Death

Breland Viola Bishop
1970 10 1 9 A Death 1970 9 26
Breland W. Dan Sr 1976 11 25 16 A Death 1976 11 19
Breland W. Dan
1978 5 4 11 B Breland Clan 1978

Breland Walter E.
1972 11 30 8 B Military Service 1972

Breland Walter E.
1974 1 31 6 B Military Service 1974

Breland William Charles
1978 1 26 6 A Birth 1978 1 14
Breland William D.
1978 10 19 1 A Death 1978 10 15
Breland William Dan Jr 1979 3 8 11 A Funeral 1979 3 2
Breland William Dan Jr 1979 3 1 11 A Death 1979 2 28
Breland William Dawson (Bill) Mrs 1979 11 29 7 A Death 1979 11 24
Breland Woodrow W. Mrs 1970 2 26 8 A Death 1970 2 19
Breland Wyman Franklin Jr 1972 6 29 3 A Death 1972 6 22
Breland Wyman Travis
1975 5 15 11 A Death 1975 5 8
Brend Norman L. Mr & Mrs 1973 3 8 6 A Newcomer 1973

Brewer Aaron Bennett Mrs 1979 5 24 10 A Death 1979 5 18
Brewer Rosa Lee Polk
1979 5 24 10 A Death 1979 5 18
Brice William L. Mr & Mrs 1973 9 6 6 A Newcomer 1973

Brickle Maybell Dempsey
1970 3 26 11 A Death 1970 3 20
Mrs 1978 7 20 10 B In Memory 1972 7 19
Bridge Allyson Michelle
1972 2 3 5 A Birth 1972 1 28
Bridge Ariel C. Mrs 1972 1 27 7 A Death 1972 1 22
Bridge Auburn
1978 5 11 5 A Married 1978 4 8 Picture
Bridge Auburn J.
1978 4 6 4 A Married 1978 4 8
Bridge Carey Utsey (Kate)
1972 1 27 7 A Death 1972 1 22
Bridge Charlotte Sue
1975 4 24 4 A Married 1975 4 19 Picture
Bridge Clara G.
1978 7 27 3 A In Memory 1972 7 19 Correction
Bridge Clara Garris
1972 7 27 8 A Death 1972 7 19
Bridge Elissa Allison
1978 1 5 4 A Birth 1977 12 15
Bridge Joe Lee
1973 3 29 7 A Death 1973 3 21
Bridge Johnnie P.
1979 1 11 2 B 50th Anniversary 1978 12 3 Picture
Bridge Joseph L. Mrs 1972 7 27 8 A Death 1972 7 19
Bridge Laurie P. Mrs 1970 5 14 7 A Death 1970 5 8
Bridge Mae Spell
1970 5 14 7 A Death 1970 5 8
Bridge Maxwell Pickens
1970 6 4 8 A Death 1970 5 30
Bridge Merle
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bridge Merle Keith
1977 11 24 4 A Married 1977 11 18
Bridge Nedra Lee
1971 6 24 5 A Married 1971 6 12 Picture
Bridge Rodney Dale
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Bridge Rodney Dale
1975 6 5 3 A Graduation 1975

Bridge Rodney Dale
1977 10 27 5 A Engagement 1978 3 18
Bridge Rodney Dale
1978 3 23 4 A Married 1978 3 18
Bridge Rodney Scott
1979 3 1 3 B Birth 1979 2 13
Bridge Shannon Leigh
1974 2 7 5 A Birth 1974 1 19
Bridger Judy Mrs 1978 7 20 3 B Newcomer 1978

Bridges Donald O. Mrs 1977 4 21 13 A Death 1977 4 11
Bridges Jeannette Williams
1972 2 24 6 A Death 1972 2 21
Bridges Joe Harris
1975 2 25 5
Death 1975 2 20
Bridges Mary F.
1977 4 21 13 A Death 1977 4 11
Bridwell Kenneth R. Mr & Mrs 1972 12 14 5 A Newcomer 1972

Briggs Sharon Ann
1976 10 21 5 A Married 1976 9
Bright Annie Mae Pinckney Lawton
1975 1 28 7
Death 1975 1 22
Bright C. Edwin, Sr Mr & Mrs 1976 2 12 4 A 25th Anniversary 1976 2 7 Picture
Bright Cephus L.
1970 1 29 3 B Military Service 1970

Bright Charles
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bright Deborah Elaine
1975 5 29 10 A Graduation 1975 5 18
Bright Deborah McKinley
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Bright Derick Qwabana
1977 4 14 5 A Birth 1977 4 7
Bright Dwayne
1970 5 28 4 A Birth 1970 5 23
Bright Ester Gore
1973 5 17 3 A Graduation 1973

Bright Eva
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bright Herman G.
1975 8 7 9 A Graduation 1975 7 24 Picture
Bright Herman Kendall
1973 2 8 5 A Birth 1973 1 31
Bright Herman Kendell
1974 9 17 9
Death 1974 9 9
Bright Jeanette
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Bright Jennifer Norine
1977 6 16 6 A Birth 1977 6 3
Bright Kenneth Hecate Jr 1976 1 22 7 A Birth 1976 1 14
Bright Kimberly LaShawn
1978 9 28 3 B Birth 1978 9 14
Bright Lakelya Dionne
1973 8 9 6 A Birth 1973 8 5
Bright LaTonya Monique
1974 10 17 5 A Birth 1974 10 9
Bright Marchell Michele
1971 6 10 6 A Birth 1971 6 3
Bright Martha
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Bright Mary Alice
1978 8 10 9 A In Memory 1977 8 10 Picture
Bright Penny Frederica
1971 7 1 6 A Birth 1971 6 22
Bright Polly
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Bright Rosie Latoshia
1971 1 28 5 A Birth 1971 1 22
Bright Sampson Mr & Mrs 1976 9 2 5 A 38th Anniversary 1976 8 28 Picture
Bright Sampson R.
1979 3 22 11 A In Memory 1978 3 23
Bright Sampson Reid
1978 3 30 15 A Death 1978 3 23
Bright Sandra
1975 4 17 1 A Graduation 1975 4 18
Bright Sandra
1975 5 8 6 A Graduation 1975 4 18 Picture
Bright Sandra Ann
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bright Shannon Leonard
1973 6 21 5 A Birth 1973 6 16
Bright Shawn Terrell
1974 9 17 4
Birth 1974 9 9
Bright Shelia Dialene
1979 5 31 4 B Graduation 1979 5 13 Picture
Bright Son to Lee Arthur Mr & Mrs 1970 1 29 5 A Birth 1970 1 27
Bright Susan Lee
1971 12 16 5 A Engagement 1972 1 8 Picture
Bright Teresa Arblaine
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brigman Deborah Mellard
1975 6 5 3 A Graduation 1975

Brink Stacey Ann
1978 6 8 8 C Graduation 1978

Brink Stacey Ann
1978 9 14 3 B Engagement 1978 12 1
Brink Stacey Ann
1978 12 21 2 B Married 1978 12 1
Brinson Aline
1970 1 8 9 A In Memory 1969 1 9
Brinson Aline
1970 1 1 6 B In Memory 1969 1 9
Brinson Aline
1972 1 6 3 A In Memory 1969 1 9 Picture
Brinson Aline
1973 1 11 3 A In Memory 1969 1 9 Picture
Brinson Aline
1975 1 9 9 A In Memory 1969 1 9
Brinson Dennis Joseph
1974 10 8 3
Married 1974 9 4
Brinson Donald Alan Jr 1976 8 5 5 A Engagement 1976 9 19
Brinson Donald Alan Jr 1976 9 23 4 A Married 1976 9 19
Brinson Elliott Mrs 1976 3 18 10 A Death 1976 3 16
Brinson Marie M.
1976 3 18 10 A Death 1976 3 16
Brinson Tammy Deniese
1970 3 26 11 A Death 1970 3 20
Brisbon Harris Sr 1970 3 26 10 A In Memory 1967 3 27
Brisbon Harris
1971 4 1 10 A In Memory 1967 3 27
Brisbon William
1971 11 4 8 A Funeral 1971 10 29
Brison James E. Mr & Mrs 1976 11 11 7 A Newcomer 1976

Bristow Restine Matthew
1976 4 8 7 A Engagement 1976 6 12
Bristow Restine Matthew
1976 6 24 5 A Married 1976 6 12
Britt Betty Ms 1975 2 25 4
Newcomer 1975

Britt Brian Chad
1972 7 27 5 A Birth 1972 7 14
Britt Ed Mrs 1977 10 27 15 A Death 1977 10 20
Britt Glenburn A.
1979 9 6 3 A Death 1979 9 3
Britt James Allen
1972 7 6 4 A Birth 1972 6 29 A Twin
Britt Jean
1972 1 13 4 A Married 1972 1 1
Britt Kim Nadine
1972 1 27 6 A Birth 1972 1 21
Britt Larry A. Mr & Mrs 1975 2 25 4
Newcomer 1975

Britt Leila Crosby
1977 10 27 15 A Death 1977 10 20
Britt Lillie
1973 12 13 12 A Death 1973 12 10
Britt Oliver C. Mr & Mrs 1973 7 26 4 A Newcomer 1973

Britt Paul Mrs 1973 12 13 12 A Death 1973 12 10
Britt Robert Elwood
1972 7 6 4 A Birth 1972 6 29 A Twin
Britt Selena Rose
1971 7 29 6 A Birth 1971 7 21
Britton Henry C. Mrs 1978 3 16 8 A Death 1978 3 11
Britton Thadie Murray
1978 3 16 8 A Death 1978 3 11
Broach Angela Karen
1972 9 7 5 A Birth 1972 8 30
Broach Carolyn
1977 12 8 4 A Married 1977 11 24 Correction
Broach Carolyn
1977 12 1 6 A Married 1977 11 24
Broach Carolyn Mae
1973 4 19 8 A Engagement 1973 8 11 Picture
Broach Carolyn Mae
1973 8 16 4 A Married 1973 8 11 Picture
Broach Charles
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Broach Charles E.
1973 10 4 5 A Engagement 1973 11 9
Broach Edward Lawrence
1976 3 25 6 A Birth 1976 3 20
Broach James C. Mr & Mrs 1974 12 19 8 A Death 1974 12 17
Broach James H.
1970 8 13 6 A Engagement 1970 8 28 Correction
Broach James Howell
1970 7 9 6 A Engagement 1970 8 28
Broach James Howell
1970 9 3 5 A Married 1970 8 28
Broach James Howell Jr 1975 4 3 5 A Birth 1975 3 30
Broach Julie Anne
1974 12 19 8 A Death 1974 12 17
Broach Kathaleene Denise
1975 7 17 6 A Birth 1975 7 8
Broach Oscar Bernard
1970 10 8 5 A Engagement 1970 11 25
Broach Oscar Bernard
1970 12 3 5 A Married 1970 11 25
Broad Wayne Wilson
1978 4 6 8 A Birth 1978 3 22
Broadaway Leroy
1976 12 23 5 A Military Service 1976

Broadney Wanda Michalene
1971 3 11 5 A Birth 1971 3 7
Broadwater Robin Michelle
1971 11 11 7 A Birth 1971 11 8
Broadway Bertha Louise
1975 6 26 12 A Death 1975 6 20
Broadway George L. Mrs 1975 6 26 12 A Death 1975 6 20
Brock Betty Jean
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brock Charles
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brock Jimmy
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brock Joseph S. Mrs 1972 3 23 8 A Death 1972 3 15
Brock Sudie
1972 3 23 8 A Death 1972 3 15
Brock Willie J. Jr 1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brockett Kurt Hertford
1972 9 21 6 A Birth 1972 9 11
Broderick Donald Roger Jr 1970 3 19 7 A Birth 1970 3 10
Broderick Ronald A.
1977 11 10 8 A Birth 1977 11 6
Brogdon Bertha Parker
1970 4 2 8 A Death 1970 3 25
Brogdon Henry G. Mrs 1970 4 2 8 A Death 1970 3 25
Brooker Joseph
1973 2 8 1 A Death 1973 2 5
Brookins Louie N. Mr & Mrs 1975 6 19 7 A Newcomer 1975

Brookins Louie Newman Jr 1978 7 13 2 B Married 1978 7 7
Brooks Almaretta
1976 4 1 4 A Engagement 1976 4 17
Brooks Arnold F. Mrs 1971 10 28 12 A Death 1971 10 26
Brooks Christine Katina
1972 9 21 6 A Birth 1972 9 16
Brooks Deborah
1978 2 9 7 A Engagement 1978 6 3
Brooks Eva Charlese
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Brooks Herbert Gerald
1970 8 20 1 A Death 1970 8 17
Brooks James
1972 12 21 7 C Death 1972 12 12
Brooks Joseph B. Mrs 1972 10 12 8 A Death 1972 10 6
Brooks Laura
1972 6 1 10 B Graduation 1972

Brooks Laura Susan
1975 5 8 4 A Engagement 1975 5 17 Picture
Brooks Laura Susan
1975 6 19 15 A Graduation 1975 5 10
Brooks Laura Susan
1975 8 14 4 A Married 1975 8
Brooks Lucille Sanders
1972 10 19 7 A Death 1972 10 11
Brooks Mabel Kinard
1972 10 12 8 A Death 1972 10 6
Brooks Pearl Hiers
1971 10 28 12 A Death 1971 10 26
Brooks Polly Ann
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brooks Polly Ann
1972 11 23 5 A Engagement 1972 12 23
Brooks Robert Mrs 1972 10 19 7 A Death 1972 10 11
Brooks Stacy
1976 7 22 11 A Death 1976 7 14
Brothers Lawrence (Doc)
1972 1 13 8 A Death 1972 1 11
Brothers Sabrina Lezon
1974 6 20 5 A Birth 1974 6 9
Brothers William Devant
1970 2 19 6 A Birth 1970 2 15
Broughton Betty
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Broughton Bobby
1975 3 20 9 A Death 1975 3 11
Broughton Casey O'Neil
1970 2 12 7 A Birth 1970 2 5
Broughton Christopher Jerone
1972 2 17 6 A Birth 1972 2 14
Broughton Derrel Anthony
1975 10 2 5 A Birth 1975 9 24
Broughton E. B. Rev & Mrs 1975 11 6 4 A 50th Anniversary 1975 10 26 Picture
Broughton Edester B. Rev 1975 7 10 3 A Retirement 1975

Broughton Elias David
1975 1 14 7
Death 1975 1 11
Broughton Ella Marie
1974 4 25 4 A Birth 1974 4 13
Broughton Francis
1970 6 4 4 D Graduation 1970

Broughton Herman
1972 6 1 11 B Graduation 1972

Broughton Johnny
1971 6 24 7 A Birth 1971 6 16
Broughton Keith Lamont
1973 3 22 5 A Birth 1973 3 20
Broughton Mary Lou
1973 5 31 2 B Graduation 1973 5 14
Broughton Mary Lou
1975 6 12 5 A Engagement 1975 8 16
Broughton Mary Lou
1975 8 21 4 A Married 1975 8 16 Picture
Broughton Pearlean
1971 6 3 2 C Graduation 1971

Broughton Randy
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Broughton Randy
1978 6 15 11 A Graduation 1978 5 14
Broughton Rodney
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Broughton Virginia
1978 1 12 11 A Death 1978 1 5
Browder Edward L.
1973 7 12 9 A Death 1973 7 5
Browder Edward L.
1975 7 10 11 A In Memory 1973 7 6
Browder Edward Leon
1976 7 8 10 B In Memory 1973 7 6
Browder Linda Kay
1970 11 5 4 A Engagement 1971 2 14 Picture
Brower Linda Kay
1971 2 18 4 A Married 1971 2 14 Picture
Brown Aaron Allan
1976 8 12 6 A Birth 1976 7 31
Brown Albert Jr 1971 2 11 4 A Birth 1971 2 2
Brown Aletha Crosby
1977 9 8 11 A Death 1977 8 31
Brown Alexander, Rev Sr 1975 9 11 10 A Death 1975 9 1
Brown Allen
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Brown Alma Johnson
1976 6 3 12 A Death 1976 5 29
Brown Alton B.
1970 5 21 7 A Death 1970 5 13
Brown Alvernie Frasier
1972 1 27 5 A Graduation 1972 1 21 Picture
Brown Alvin Cecil (Brownie)
1979 11 8 16 A Death 1979 11 5
Brown Andre Arthur
1970 12 17 5 A Birth 1970 12 11
Brown Angel Tomeka
1978 6 22 8 A Birth 1978 6 18
Brown Angie Delois
1970 1 15 4 A Birth 1970 1 11
Brown Anne Vieth
1974 11 26 6 A Death 1974 11 24
Brown Anthony
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brown Antonio Lorenza
1972 10 5 5 A Birth 1972 9 29
Brown Arthur B. Dr 1977 2 3 10 A Death 1977 1 29
Brown Athalea Strickland
1972 12 28 8 A Death 1972 12 24
Brown Beatrice Colter
1975 5 29 12 A Death 1975 5 17
Brown Bernard
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Brown Beverly Selena
1972 8 31 5 A Birth 1972 8 28
Brown Brian Christopher
1973 1 11 5 A Birth 1972 12 30
Brown Catheren Denease
1972 9 21 6 A Birth 1972 9 15
Brown Celia Elizabeth
1971 5 6 6 A Birth 1971 4 27
Brown Charles E., Jr Mrs 1972 10 26 7 A Death 1972 10 20
Brown Charles F. Mrs 1976 6 17 11 A Death 1976 6 15
Brown Charles William
1974 3 7 9 A Death 1974 3 4
Brown Chester
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Chester H.
1979 3 1 10 A Death 1979 2 23
Brown Christopher Leshon
1979 12 6 4 B Birth 1979 11 23
Brown Clara Barnhill
1970 10 1 9 A Death 1970 9 22
Brown Clarence
1972 6 1 11 B Graduation 1972

Brown Clarence
1974 2 28 8 A Death 1974 2 19
Brown Clarence
1975 2 20 9 B In Memory 1974 2 19
Brown Cleveland
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown Clifford Mr & Mrs 1978 10 26 5 C 29th Anniversary 1978

Brown Clifton Timothy
1979 8 2 13 A Death 1979 7 30
Brown Cora Jakes
1974 10 22 9
Death 1974 10 5
Brown Craig Richard
1971 10 28 5 A Birth 1971 10 21
Brown Dandi Latonga Ann Brock
1971 12 9 5 A Birth 1971 12 5
Brown Daniel
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Daughter to Benjamin Mr & Mrs 1971 11 18 4 A Birth 1971 11 16
Brown Deadra Sheral
1970 7 16 5 A Birth 1970 7 8
Brown Deeon Durez
1978 4 6 8 A Birth 1978 3 24 A Twin
Brown Doris
1971 6 3 2 C Graduation 1971

Brown Dorothy Helms
1971 4 29 4 A Married 1971 4 17
Brown Douglas Lee
1970 4 2 8 A Death 1970 3 25
Brown Eddie Terry
1971 3 25 9 A Death 1971 3 18
Brown Edward Jr 1976 12 9 6 A Birth 1976 12 1
Brown Edwin Mills Inness
1971 1 14 9 A Death 1971 1 9
Brown Elijah
1978 4 6 15 A Death 1978 3 19
Brown Elizabeth E.
1977 12 15 13 A Death 1977 12 12
Brown Elizabeth Jane
1977 11 24 4 A Engagement 1977 12 3
Brown Elizabeth W.
1978 6 8 6 B Graduation 1978

Brown Elizabeth Whitlock
1971 1 14 4 A Graduation 1971 1 8 Picture
Brown Ellen Walters
1971 9 30 8 A Death 1971 9 18
Brown Elton Eugene
1974 4 4 8 A Birth 1974 4 1
Brown Emanuel
1970 6 18 9 A Funeral 1970 6 14
Brown Emily
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown Ena
1975 1 21 7
Death 1975 1 18
Brown Ermest Petterson
1971 8 19 4 A Married 1971 7 31
Brown Ernest Eugene
1973 11 1 5 A Birth 1973 10 27
Brown Ernest Patterson
1971 7 1 5 A Engagement 1971 7 31
Brown Esther Wescoat
1976 8 19 15 A Death 1976 8 17
Brown Ethel A.
1974 4 25 9 A Death 1974 4 14
Brown Eugene
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown Eugene James
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Evelyn
1970 6 4 4 D Graduation 1970

Brown Evelyn Ann
1970 2 19 6 A Married 1970 2 7 Picture
Brown Evelyn Olinda
1974 12 31 4
Married 1974 12 28 Picture
Brown Evelyn Olinda
1974 12 24 4 A Engagement 1974 12 28
Brown Everlena
1976 10 14 4 A Married 1976

Brown Felder Mrs 1979 3 1 10 A Death 1979 2 13
Brown Frank Laine
1976 8 5 11 A Death 1976 7 28
Brown Franklin Leroy
1971 10 7 4 A Birth 1971 9 29
Brown Frederick
1977 9 22 10 A Death 1977 9 19
Brown Fredrick Allen
1972 1 27 6 A Birth 1972 1 21
Brown G. C. Mrs 1975 11 13 6 A 95th Birthday 1975 11 9
Brown George Carrol, Dr Jr 1979 7 26 9 A Death 1979 7 22
Brown George Carroll Mrs 1976 8 19 15 A Death 1976 8 17
Brown Graham Burney III 1979 10 18 4 B Birth 1979 9 23
Brown H. Gilbert Sr 1970 7 16 3 A Death 1970 7 11
Brown H. Russell
1975 7 3 15 A Death 1975 6 25
Brown Harold Martin Jr 1975 6 5 7 A Birth 1975 6 3
Brown Harold Willie
1973 6 14 8 B Graduation 1973

Brown Henry Martin
1977 7 14 15 A Death 1977 7 7
Brown Herbert
1976 6 10 12 A Graduation 1976

Brown Herbert Rennie
1979 1 11 3 B Engagement

Brown Herbert Rennie
1979 9 13 4 B Married 1979 9 1
Brown Herbert W. Mrs 1972 3 9 7 A Death 1972 3 4
Brown Herbert W. Mrs 1977 9 8 11 A Death 1977 8 31
Brown Ho-Sherman
1975 5 8 7 A Birth 1975 5 3
Brown Howard Mrs 1977 6 2 10 B Graduation 1927

Brown Inez
1973 11 1 3 A Death 1973 10 19
Brown Ivenia V.
1970 7 30 8 B In Memory 1968 6

Brown Jacob Ralph
1970 10 15 5 A Engagement 1970 12 20
Brown Jacob Ralph
1970 12 24 5 A Married 1970 12 20
Brown Jacquetta Tabitha
1976 3 4 6 A Birth 1976 2 17
Brown Jakema LaShonda
1979 7 26 2 B Birth 1979 7 15
Brown James Cleveland III 1976 2 26 4 A Engagement 1976 5 16
Brown James Cleveland III 1976 5 20 4 A Married 1976 5 16
Brown James Henry
1972 9 28 6 A Birth 1972 9 21
Brown James Irving Willis
1977 9 29 4 A Engagement 1977 11 19
Brown James M. Rev 1970 3 12 10 A Death 1970 3 1
Brown James T.
1970 10 1 9 A Funeral 1970 9 26
Brown Janice
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Brown Janice
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Janie
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Javanna Lavella
1977 1 27 4 A Birth 1977 1 19
Brown Jeanie Monroe
1976 1 1 6 A Married 1975 12 21 Picture
Brown Jerald Wayne
1975 8 14 5 A Married 1975 8 9
Brown Jerry Glenn
1974 8 22 12 A Death 1974 8 18
Brown Jerry Glenn
1974 8 20 1
Death 1974 8 18
Brown Jessie E. Mrs 1974 5 23 10 A Death 1974 5 20
Brown Jessie Edward
1974 6 20 13 A Death 1974 6 16
Brown Jessie Mae
1979 3 1 10 A Death 1979 2 13
Brown Jimmy Dean
1973 7 5 5 A Class Reunion 1963

Brown Joe Henry
1978 6 22 15 A Death 1978 6 14
Brown Joe Lewis
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brown John
1972 7 13 6 A Military Service 1972

Brown John
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown John
1973 8 30 12 A Military Service 1973

Brown John H.
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown John Sylvester Jr 1978 1 12 5 A Birth 1978 1 1 Picture
Brown Johnny Junior
1970 11 26 5 A Birth 1970 11 20
Brown Joseph A.
1973 8 16 7 A Death 1973 8 10
Brown Joseph Ethan
1977 9 8 6 A Birth 1977 8 27
Brown Joseph Jermaine
1974 7 18 7 A Birth 1974 7 10
Brown Josephine Bonnetta Elliott
1976 11 11 13 A Death 1976 11 3
Brown Juanita
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brown Julia Ann Linder
1975 5 1 13 A Death 1975 4 23
Brown Julia Brown
1978 9 21 3 B Class Reunion 1965

Brown Kathleen Mrs 1974 1 17 6 A Newcomer 1974

Brown Katie
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown Keefe Errol
1973 9 27 5 A Birth 1973 9 20
Brown Keila Nichole
1973 8 9 6 A Birth 1973 8 6
Brown Kenneth
1974 8 20 1
Death 1974 8 18
Brown Kenneth Bernard
1974 8 22 12 A Death 1974 8 18
Brown Krystal Monique
1979 2 1 5 B Birth 1978 12 23
Brown Larry
1974 5 2 4 A Married 1974 4 13
Brown Larry O.
1974 6 13 12 A Graduation 1974 6 5 Picture
Brown Lennis
1977 6 2 10 B Graduation 1922

Brown Leroy
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Litissue Vernell
1971 12 30 5 A Birth 1971 12 27
Brown Lois S.
1972 10 26 7 A Death 1972 10 20
Brown Lottie Frazier
1978 3 9 13 A Death 1978 2 23
Brown Louie W. Jr 1975 5 22 4 A Married 1975 5 17 Picture
Brown Lucile Bell
1974 5 23 10 A Death 1974 5 20
Brown Mack Arthur
1972 5 25 6 A Engagement 1972 6 24
Brown Mae Helen
1973 5 31 2 B Graduation 1973 5 14
Brown Maggie Rene
1977 1 20 9 A Death 1977 1 12
Brown Marian Langford
1976 1 1 8 A Death 1975 12 28
Brown Martha Bowles Stephens
1974 12 3 7
Death 1974 11 26
Brown Mary Elaine
1970 5 7 4 A Engagement 1970 6 27
Brown Mary Elaine
1970 7 2 5 A Married 1970 6 27 Picture
Brown Mary Elizabeth Van Dyke
1976 6 17 11 A Death 1976 6 15
Brown Mary Kinsey
1973 6 14 9 A Death 1973 6 4
Brown Michael O.
1979 9 13 5 B Military Service 1979

Brown Michael Tremayne
1979 1 11 3 B Birth 1978 12 29
Brown Mike
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Monicca Michelle
1972 11 16 6 A Birth 1972 11 8
Brown Nancy Hansford
1973 8 30 6 A Birth 1973 8 8
Brown Nelson E. Mrs 1974 11 26 6 A Death 1974 11 24
Brown Ophelia E.
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Oscar Mrs 1978 3 9 13 A Death 1978 2 23
Brown Patricia Gale
1976 4 8 4 A Married 1976 3 27 Picture
Brown Philemon
1971 9 23 6 A Death 1971 9 13
Brown Rashown Jerell
1978 11 9 8 B Birth 1978 10 25
Brown Reeon Ramondo
1978 4 6 8 A Birth 1978 3 24 A Twin
Brown Renee Maudisa
1978 7 6 5 B Birth 1978 7 1
Brown Renee Yvonne
1973 5 3 4 A Engagement 1973 6 9
Brown Rhonda Tarhika
1978 8 31 5 B Birth 1978 8 14
Brown Richard Langford
1971 3 4 7 A Death 1971 2 24
Brown Richard Quincy
1979 1 18 4 B Birth 1978 12 29
Brown Robert Mrs 1974 10 17 11 A Death 1974 10 14
Brown Robert Beverly
1971 5 27 4 A Birth 1971 5 20
Brown Robert Lee
1972 6 1 12 B Graduation 1972

Brown Robert Leroy
1977 11 17 5 A Engagement 1977 12 24
Brown Robert Leroy
1977 12 22 10 A Married 1977 12 24 Loyde Spring
Brown Robert Leroy
1978 1 12 4 A Married 1977 12 24
Brown Rollien
1972 4 6 3 A Funeral 1972 4 2
Brown Ronald
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Ronald
1976 12 30 6 A Engagement

Brown Ronald Mr & Mrs 1977 8 4 10 B Married 1977 7 30 Deep Creek
Brown Roy Wilkins III 1972 5 18 4 A Married 1972 5 14
Brown Ruby Beach
1974 10 17 11 A Death 1974 10 14
Brown Ruth
1977 6 2 10 B Graduation 1924

Brown Sandra
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brown Sara Ann
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Schriga Deneise
1979 4 26 4 B Birth 1979 4 9
Brown Shannon Belwin
1978 11 9 8 B Birth 1978 10 23
Brown Shannon Guye
1979 5 24 2 B Birth 1979 5 15
Brown Shelia Yvonne
1977 9 29 6 A Engagement 1977 11 24
Brown Sinclair
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Brown Sineal
1977 6 16 8 A Graduation 1977 6 10 Picture
Brown Son to Maywood Mr & Mrs 1971 4 1 5 A Birth 1971 3 29
Brown Sylvia
1979 7 26 8 A Graduation 1979 7 20 Picture
Brown Tammy Lynette
1971 11 11 7 A Birth 1971 11 7
Brown Tanya Ikeeda
1972 7 20 6 A Birth 1972 7 8
Brown Tarneaka Regina
1979 8 30 5 B Birth 1979 8 22
Brown Thomas Mr & Mrs 1975 12 25 5 A Newcomer 1975

Brown Thomas Patrick Jr 1975 7 31 4 A Birth 1975 7 23
Brown Tonya Celeste
1972 3 30 5 A Birth 1972 3 24
Brown Troy Nigel
1971 2 4 6 A Birth 1971 1 29
Brown Vernon Melvin
1977 6 2 8 A Engagement 1977 6 5
Brown Virginia
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Wade Mozell
1972 12 21 6 C Birth 1972 12 16
Brown Wanda Karen
1973 8 30 4 A Married 1973 8 26
Brown Wendell Jerome
1971 2 4 6 A Birth 1971 1 29
Brown William Jr 1971 2 4 6 A Birth 1971 1 26
Brown William
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Brown William DuRant
1974 3 21 7 A Death 1974 3 16
Brown William Jones Mrs 1976 1 1 8 A Death 1975 12 28
Brown William M. Mrs 1977 12 15 13 A Death 1977 12 12
Brown Willie
1972 6 29 3 A Death 1972 6 24
Brown Willis
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Brown Woodrow
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Brown Zaddie Bell
1971 7 15 5 A Married 1971 7 3
Browne Catherine Jane
1970 1 1 5 A Engagement 1970 6
Browne Catherine Jane
1970 7 23 4 A Married 1970 7 17 Picture
Browning Arthur Kirkland Mrs 1971 9 16 8 A Death 1971 9 13
Browning Gregery Vincent
1975 8 21 4 A Married 1975 8 16
Browning Gregory Vincent
1975 5 29 4 A Engagement 1975 8 16
Browning Iris Yarley
1971 9 16 8 A Death 1971 9 13
Browning Robert L. Mrs 1974 10 1 5
Death 1974 9 25
Browning Thelma Linder
1974 10 1 5
Death 1974 9 25
Broxton James Cleborn
1972 4 6 4 A Married 1972 4 1
Bruce Larry Mr & Mrs 1977 8 18 5 A Newcomer 1977

Bruins John
1974 11 21 3 A Death 1974 11 15
Bruins Rebecca Shea
1977 7 14 8 A Birth 1977 7 7
Bruins Richard Alan
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bruins Richard Scott
1974 12 31 5
Birth 1974 12 23
Brunson April Menervia
1976 4 1 5 A Birth 1976 3 23
Brunson Barry Christopher
1978 4 27 6 A Birth 1978 4 6
Brunson Barry Cooper
1973 8 30 5 A Engagement 1973 10 5
Brunson Barry Cooper
1973 10 11 4 A Married 1973 10 5
Brunson Catherine Moorer
1974 9 10 4
Birth 1974 8 31
Brunson Clara Morris
1979 8 9 6 A Death 1979 8 6
Brunson Edward
1971 6 24 1 A Death 1971 6 20
Brunson Edward Mrs 1975 3 20 9 A Death 1975 3 17
Brunson Ellis Manning Mrs 1979 8 9 6 A Death 1979 8 6
Brunson James Henning Jr 1972 6 22 4 A Engagement 1972 9 16
Brunson Odell Parker
1975 3 20 9 A Death 1975 3 17
Brunson W. J. Mr & Mrs 1973 4 26 5 A Newcomer 1973

Bruton David
1975 2 6 11 A Death 1975 1 23
Bryan Andrena Elizabeth
1972 8 31 5 A Married 1972 8 27 Picture
Bryan Annie
1975 8 14 4 B 92nd Birthday 1975 8 10 Bells
Bryan Annie Lee
1974 8 22 7 A 81st Birthday 1974 8 11 Bells
Bryan Annie Lee Priester
1979 12 27 9 A Death 1979 12 25
Bryan Bonnie Kay
1970 9 10 5 A Engagement 1970 10
Bryan Charlotte Annette
1977 10 20 6 A Engagement 1977 12 17
Bryan Charlotte Annette
1977 12 22 7 A Married 1977 12 17
Bryan Christy
1973 6 14 9 A Five Generations 1973

Bryan Coleen Breland
1975 2 6 7 B 25th Anniversary 1975 1 31
Bryan Connie Sue
1976 7 22 5 A Married 1976 6 26
Bryan Dalah Selena
1973 8 23 5 A Birth 1973 8 15
Bryan David C.
1977 12 29 4 A Engagement 1978 4 2
Bryan David Carroll
1978 4 6 4 A Married 1978 4 2
Bryan Donna Leah
1970 6 4 2 D Graduation 1970

Bryan Donna Leah
1974 8 27 4
Engagement 1974 9 14
Bryan Donna Leah
1974 9 19 4 A Married 1974 9 14
Bryan Edward R. III 1971 5 6 7 A Engagement 1971 8 29
Bryan Edward Ransome III 1971 9 23 4 A Married 1971 9

Bryan Edward Ransome IV 1973 2 22 6 A Birth 1973 2 17
Bryan Eloise
1975 12 11 9 A Death 1975 12 5
Bryan Frank A. Mrs 1978 9 14 13 A Death 1978 9 12
Bryan Gail
1973 6 14 9 A Five Generations 1973

Bryan George Carver
1972 8 3 8 A Married 1972 7 25 Picture
Bryan Gibson Howard
1973 1 4 5 A Married 1972 12 29
Bryan Harry Lee Mr & Mrs 1972 12 21 6 C 25th Anniversary 1972 12 24
Bryan James I. Mrs 1979 12 27 9 A Death 1979 12 25
Bryan James William III 1972 1 13 5 A Birth 1972 1 10
Bryan James William
1975 8 14 10 A Death 1975 8 10
Bryan James Woodrow
1974 6 6 13 A Death 1974 6 3
Bryan Jason Scott Thomas
1975 2 20 5 A Birth 1975 2 12
Bryan Jerome Francis
1977 2 17 13 A Death 1977 2 10
Bryan Jesse Holliday
1975 12 4 16 A Death 1975 11 30
Bryan Katherine Black
1971 6 3 4 A Class Reunion 1941

Bryan Kristine Leigh
1979 1 11 3 B Birth 1978 12 23
Bryan Leon Hampton
1970 6 4 5 D Graduation 1970

Bryan Leon Hampton
1971 4 15 4 A Married 1971 4 11
Bryan Lilla Dell Saunders
1978 9 14 13 A Death 1978 9 12
Bryan Luther
1977 6 2 9 A Retirement 1977

Bryan Luther Heyward
1976 8 19 15 A Death 1976 8 17
Bryan Matthew Davis
1979 10 25 4 B Birth 1979 10 12
Bryan Odessa
1971 6 3 4 C Graduation 1971

Bryan Philip Mr & Mrs 1977 11 10 5 A Newcomer 1977

Bryan R. D.
1975 2 6 7 B 25th Anniversary 1975 1 31
Bryan Rebecca Elizabeth
1979 7 5 11 A Death 1979 6 29
Bryan Steve
1971 9 9 7 A Death 1971 9 3
Bryan Tina Lynn
1970 1 1 10 A Birth 1969 12 20
Bryan Valerie C.
1970 12 31 9 A Graduation 1970 12 17
Bryan Valerie Carson
1973 5 24 4 A Graduation 1973 5 19 Picture
Bryan Valerie Carson
1975 6 12 5 A Class Reunion 1965

Bryan Wayne Gaile
1976 11 4 8 A Engagement 1977 1 2
Bryan Wayne Gaile
1977 1 6 5 A Married 1977 1 2
Bryan William Allen
1970 12 3 7 A Birth 1970 11 27
Bryan William Wright IV 1973 11 29 5 A Birth 1973 11 14
Bryant Alan Jerome
1976 9 9 5 A Birth 1976 9 1
Bryant Arnold Lawrence
1973 6 14 5 B Graduation 1973

Bryant Barbara Darlene
1976 1 15 5 A Birth 1976 1 9
Bryant Caffey
1972 5 25 6 A Graduation 1972 5 14
Bryant Carnice Gerod
1977 12 15 13 A Death 1977 12 3
Bryant Carnice Gerod
1978 12 14 16 A In Memory 1977 12 3
Bryant Chester Maurice
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Bryant Daisy Bell
1979 2 22 11 A Death 1979 2 16
Bryant Douglas Dale
1972 9 21 6 A Birth 1972 9 17
Bryant Eddie J.
1971 7 22 3 A Death 1971 7 17
Bryant Elijah Mrs 1979 2 22 11 A Death 1979 2 16
Bryant Elouise
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Bryant Erica Nicole
1976 12 23 5 A Birth 1976 12 15
Bryant Harold Randolph
1973 6 14 9 B Graduation 1973

Bryant Harvey Mr & Mrs 1979 10 18 3 B 50th Anniversary 1979 10 6
Bryant Hattie Lee Lemons
1977 10 27 15 A Death 1977 10 20
Bryant Henry, Sr Mrs 1975 4 3 7 A Death 1975 3 22
Bryant Isaac Quintine Jr 1979 2 15 5 B Engagement

Bryant Isaac Quintine