Last Name First & Middle Name Suffix Prefix Issue Year Issue Mon Issue Day Page Sec Event Event Year Event Mon Event Day Remarks
St Ange Kendra
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
St Ange Kenneth
2002 5 24 1
Death 2002 5 20
St Ange Kenneth (Bling)
2004 5 21 5
Birth 1983 3 12
St Ange Kenneth (Bling)
2004 5 21 5
In Memory 2002 5 20
St Ange Kenneth R.
2003 3 14 5 A Birth 1983 3 12
St Ange Kenneth R.
2003 3 14 5 A In Memory 2002 5 20
St Ange Kenneth Robert
2002 5 28 5
Birth 1983 3 12
St Ange Kenneth Robert
2002 5 28 5
Death 2002 5 20
St Ange Kenneth Robert (Bling)
2003 5 20 5
Birth 1983 3 12
St Ange Kenneth Robert (Bling)
2003 5 20 5
In Memory 2002 5 20
St Bartholomew Genealogy Chapter
2002 7 30 1
History 2002

St Laurent Joshua
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
St Laurent Michelle
2003 5 23 3 B Engagement 2003 10 4 Picture
St Peter's AME Church
2005 5 3 9
138th Birthday 2005 6 19 Picture
St. Jude's Episcopal Church
2005 12 23 3 B History 2005

Stahl Robert Jeffrey
2008 8 1 3
Death 2008 7 30
Stahling Larry
2005 5 27 13 Grad Graduation 2005

Stallings Eva
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stallings Helen McMillan
2007 8 10 9
Birth 1947 5 26
Stallings Helen McMillan
2007 8 10 9
Death 2007 8 7
Stallings Homer Martin, Sr Mrs 2007 8 10 9
Death 2007 8 7
Stallings Irene Margaret
2006 8 11 10 A Birth 1915 9 5
Stamas Latasha N.
2008 5 16 2 B Graduation 2008

Stamatopoulos Hristos
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stamatopoulos Miltiadis
2007 5 29 2 B Graduation 2007

Stamatopoulos Miltiadis
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Standiford Allison
2005 6 24 3 B Graduation 2005 5

Standiford Bruce
2000 1 21 9
Married 1999 12 31 Picture
Stanfield Amy Sherri
2006 4 14 2 B Engagement 2007 4
Stanfield Brandon
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stanfield Cecil (Stumpy)
2009 6 23 9
Birth 1947 10 31
Stanfield Cecil (Stumpy)
2009 6 23 9
Death 2009 6 17
Stanfield Clayton
2001 12 25 8

Stanfield Eva Louise Bunton
2003 11 11 5 A Birth 1909 6 17
Stanfield Eva Louise Bunton
2003 11 11 5 A Death 2003 11 6
Stanfield Florine (Tinkie)
2000 2 8 5
In Memory 1999 2 6
Stanfield Franklin Mrs 2001 1 5 5
Death 2000 12 31
Stanfield George Kenneth
2002 2 19 5
Death 2002 2 16
Stanfield Harriette L.
2006 9 15 10 A Birth 1948 10 13
Stanfield Harry (Pete)
2006 5 19 5 A Birth 1943 2 24
Stanfield Harry (Pete)
2006 5 19 5 A Death 2006 5 14
Stanfield Harry (Pete)
2006 5 23 9
Birth 1943 2 24
Stanfield Harry (Pete)
2006 5 23 9
Death 2006 5 14
Stanfield Harry Bellinger
2007 12 18 9
Birth 1922 3 2
Stanfield Harry Bellinger
2007 12 18 9
Death 2007 12 13
Stanfield Jack C.
2000 6 13 5
Birth 1936 3 25
Stanfield Jack C.
2000 6 13 5
Death 2000 6 1
Stanfield Joan Walling
2003 9 5 5 A Birth 1936 6 30
Stanfield Joan Walling
2003 9 5 5 A Death 2003 8 30
Stanfield John Malichi Mrs 2003 11 11 5 A Death 2003 11 6
Stanfield Kelby Shane
2000 12 1 5 A Death 2000 11 25
Stanfield Kelby Shane
2002 6 21 5 A Death

Stanfield Latavia
2000 12 22 14
Birth 2000 8 2 Picture
Stanfield Melvin Mrs 2000 3 3 19
Death 2000 2 29
Stanfield Mike
2000 4 4 5
In Memory 1999

Stanfield Mildred Breland
2004 11 26 5 A Birth 1934 3 11
Stanfield Mildred Breland
2004 11 26 5 A Death 2004 11 21
Stanfield Murphy Lee Jr 2009 3 6 9 A Death 2009 3 1
Stanfield Nathaniel Reese
2002 6 21 5 A Death 2002 6 18
Stanfield Odean Dorothy
2007 2 13 9
Birth 1937 5 3
Stanfield Sally
2001 1 5 5
Death 2000 12 31
Stanfield Susan Elaine Lyons
2008 9 30 9 A Birth 1948 11 25
Stanfield Susan Elaine Lyons
2008 9 30 9 A Death 2008 9 26
Stanfield Violet Reid
2000 3 3 19
Birth 1903 4 24
Stanfield Violet Reid
2000 3 3 19
Death 2000 2 29
Stanfield Virginia
2007 6 15 1
Earns GED 2007

Stanfield W. T. (Ted) Mrs 2003 9 5 5 A Death 2003 8 30
Stanfield Walter A. Mrs 2008 9 30 9 A Death 2008 9 26
Stanfield Walter Allen III 2002 7 19 7
Married 2002 6 29
Stanfield William Cole
2001 7 13 9
Birth 2001 6 26
Stanfield Willie Ted (W. T.)
2003 12 9 5
Birth 1934 11 24
Stanfield Willie Ted (W. T.)
2003 12 9 5
Death 2003 12 4
Stanfill Carolyn
2003 7 25 5 A Birth 1941 9 12
Stanfill Charles Kevin Jr 2000 4 11 7
Birth 2000 4 1
Stanfill Charles Kevin
2009 8 21 10 A Birth 1974 1 3
Stanfill Charles Kevin
2009 8 21 10 A Death 2009 8 17
Stanfill Clayton Madison
2001 11 9 6 B Birth 2001 11 1
Stanfill Harry W.
2001 4 10 8
35 Yrs of Service 2001

Stanfill Jason Allen
2001 1 19 5
Birth 1979 6 4
Stanfill Jason Allen
2001 1 19 5
In Memory 1997 1 17
Stanfill Jason Allen
2003 1 17 8 A Birth 1979 6 4
Stanfill Jason Allen
2003 1 17 8 A In Memory 1997 1 17
Stanfill Jonathan
2006 6 23 6 B Graduation 2006

Stanfill Kaylei Ann
2005 3 25 7 A Birth 2005 3 5
Stanfill Lyndsey Anne
2003 4 1 12
Birth 2003 3 25
Stanfill MacKenzie Leigh
2001 12 18 7
Birth 2001 12 10
Stanfill Morgan Elizabeth
2002 3 22 2 B Birth 2002 3 1
Stanfill Roy C.
2006 11 10 7 B Military Service

Stanfill Roy J.
2006 5 26 4 B Graduation 2006 5

Stanley Aaron Homer
2006 5 12 5 A Birth 1938 5 28
Stanley Aaron Homer
2006 5 12 5 A Death 2006 5 8
Stanley Amber Marie
2005 2 22 11
Birth 2005 1 14
Stanley Annie Mae
2004 9 17 5
Birth 1923 10 26
Stanley Ashlyn Danielle
2006 9 29 4 B Birth 2006 8 24
Stanley Bill
2005 8 26 4 B Class Reunion 1959

Stanley Bridget Aree
2001 3 23 7
Birth 2001 3 14
Stanley Carson Bailee
2003 11 18 5
Birth 2003 10 9
Stanley Christopher Morris
2006 8 11 4 B Birth 2006 7 19 Picture
Stanley Christopher Morris
2007 9 25 7 A Birth 2006 7 19 Picture
Stanley Christopher Morris
2008 9 30 4 B Birth 2006 7 19 Picture
Stanley Debra Ann
2003 5 16 12 A Engagement 2003 5 24 Picture
Stanley Emily Paige
2002 1 15 8
Birth 2001 12 24
Stanley Florence Gertrude
2003 6 20 10 A Birth 1918 3 23
Stanley Herbert H. (Buddy)
2006 8 29 5 A Birth 1944 4 17
Stanley Herbert H. (Buddy)
2006 8 29 5 A Death 2006 8 24
Stanley Jessica
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stanley John Norris III 2007 2 9 2 B Engagement 2007 3 31 Picture
Stanley Johnny Mrs 2001 5 8 5
Death 2001 5 5
Stanley Kayla Rolynn
2001 1 16 7
Birth 2001 1 5
Stanley Kayla Rolynn
2001 1 19 17
Birth 2001 1 5
Stanley Kenneth
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stanley Kenzy Fishburne
2000 9 1 12
Birth 2000 8 3
Stanley Lacey Santana
2000 10 3 12
Birth 2000 9 9
Stanley Lauren D.
2002 6 7 24 P&C Graduation 2002

Stanley Lauren Danielle
2008 4 25 4 B Engagement 2008 5 31 Picture
Stanley Lauren Danielle
2008 5 9 2 B Engagement 2008 5 31 Picture
Stanley Lauren Danielle
2008 5 16 2 B Engagement 2008 5 31 Picture
Stanley Lauren Danielle
2008 8 15 4 B Married 2008 5 31 Picture
Stanley Lester W. Mrs 2000 2 8 5
Death 2000 2 2
Stanley Lourine Martin Givens
2001 5 8 5
Birth 1908 10 31
Stanley Lourine Martin Givens
2001 5 8 5
Death 2001 5 5
Stanley Marie Eva
2007 10 30 9 A Birth 1923 6 1
Stanley Mary Frances
2000 9 19 5
Birth 1927 4 30
Stanley Mary Ruth
2005 4 15 5 A Birth 1921 9 20
Stanley Myrtie Polk
2000 2 8 5
Birth 1912 10 15
Stanley Myrtie Polk
2000 2 8 5
Death 2000 2 2
Stanley Oliver Jr 2001 2 2 9
Engagement 2001 6 9
Stanley Rose
2004 6 11 10
Married 2004 5 22 Picture
Stanley Troy Carl
2001 2 27 5
Birth 1969 9 28
Stanley Troy Carl
2001 2 27 5
Death 2001 2 24
Stanley Tucker Browning
2001 10 12 9
Birth 2001 9 5
Stanley Tucker Browning
2001 10 12 9
Birth 2001 9 5
Stanley Viola
2006 4 4 5
Birth 1915 4 29
Stanley William III 2004 6 29 16
Farmer of Year 2004

Stanley-Lopez Marie Nichole
2008 6 20 2 B Birth 2008 6 10
Stanton Anne Wilson
2009 11 27 2 B Married 2009 10 18
Stanton Anne Wilson
2009 12 4 2 B Married 2009 10 18
Stanton Mary Ruth Stanley
2005 4 15 5 A Birth 1921 9 20
Stanton Mary Ruth Stanley
2005 4 15 5 A Death 2005 4 12
Stanton Willie H. Mrs 2005 4 15 5 A Death 2005 4 12
Starcher Rickie
2005 5 27 13 Grad Graduation 2005

Starcher Ryan
2007 5 29 2 B Graduation 2007

Stark Branden A.
2006 12 15 4 B Military Service 2006

Starks Jacquelyn Carver
2003 5 2 3 B Engagement 2003 8 2 Picture
Starks Jacquelyn Carver
2003 9 12 2 B Married 2003 8 2 Picture
Starkweather Kayla Renee
2004 1 16 5 A Birth 2003 12 31
Starkweather Theo D.
2003 11 11 5 A Birth 1932 11 9
Starkweather Theo D.
2003 11 11 5 A Death 2003 11 3
Starr Elizabeth
2001 6 29 5 A Birth 1914 5 9
Starr Jared
2008 7 18 2 B Married 2008 6 14
Steadman Morris (Bud)
2004 8 6 5 B Class Reunion 1949

Steadman Morris (Bud)
2004 8 13 11 Class Reunion 1949

Steadman Nan Fripp
2004 8 6 5 B Class Reunion 1949

Steadman Nan Fripp
2004 8 13 11 Class Reunion 1949

Steedley Casey Lee
2002 3 22 2 B Birth 2002 3 2
Steedley Elizabeth A.
2002 6 7 24 P&C Graduation 2002

Steedley Indigo
2007 9 25 8 A Birth 2004 5 25 Picture
Steedley Indigo
2008 9 30 4 B Birth 2004 5 25 Picture
Steedley Indigo
2009 10 2 6 B Birth 2004 5 25 Picture
Steedley Inez McTeer
2004 2 20 2 B 50th Anniversary 2004 2 6 Picture
Steedley Luna
2007 9 25 8 A Birth 2003 1 31 Picture
Steedley Luna
2008 9 30 4 B Birth 2003 1 31 Picture
Steedley Luna
2009 10 2 6 B Birth 2003 1 31 Picture
Steedley Richard
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Steedley Terry Lyn
2003 6 6 17 P&C Graduation 2003

Steedley Wheeler Morris
2004 2 20 2 B 50th Anniversary 2004 2 6 Picture
Steedly Calla Ann Linder
2004 6 4 5 A Death 2004 5 29
Steedly Fred P. Mrs 2004 6 4 5 A Death 2004 5 29
Steedly Kathleen
2002 1 25 9
50th Anniversary 1951 12 22 Picture
Steedly Marsha
2009 2 17 8
Birth 1960 11 15
Steedly Robert M.
2008 3 21 9 A Death 2008 3 17
Steedly Wendell
2002 1 25 9
50th Anniversary 1951 12 22 Picture
Steedly Wendell
2005 1 21 11
80th Birthday 2005 1 15
Steedman Ann Johnson
2009 3 13 9 A Birth 1940 8 18
Steedman Ann Johnson
2009 3 13 9 A Death 2009 3 8
Steedman Robert William Mrs 2009 3 13 9 A Death 2009 3 8
Steele Ben
2006 5 30 14 Grad Graduation 2006 5 26 Picture
Steele Brenda Mae
2000 6 9 18
Graduation 2000 5 8
Steele Jessica
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Steele John C. II 2003 5 27 8
Graduation 2003 5 9 Picture
Steele John Charles II 2000 5 26 19
Engagement 2001 6 16
Steele John Charles II 2001 7 10 7
Married 2001 6 16
Steele Kesi Avo
2006 1 10 10
Birth 2005 12 21
Steele Leah
2004 6 11 10
Engagement 2004 1 15 Picture
Steele Leah Robyn
2001 5 25 3 B Graduation 2001 5
Steele Leah Robyn
2002 5 14 8
Graduation 2002 5

Steele Leah Robyn
2005 1 21 12
Married 2005 1 15 Picture
Steele Mabry Michelle
2003 3 7 3 B Birth 2003 2 7
Steele Shannen
2001 6 8 10
Engagement 2001 8 18 Picture
Steele Shannen
2001 9 14 17
Married 2001 8 18 Picture
Stegall Aubry
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stegall Aubry Allen
2009 7 10 6 B Engagement 2009 5 22 Picture
Steinmeyer Ethel Gatch
2003 3 4 5
Birth 1924 6 7
Steinmeyer Ethel Gatch
2003 3 4 5
Death 2003 2 27
Steinmeyer Fred W.
2001 4 3 5
Birth 1923 2 5
Steinmeyer Fred W.
2001 4 3 5
Death 2001 3 29
Steinmeyer Fred W. Mrs 2003 3 4 5
Death 2003 2 27
Stelling Joseph
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stelter Georgia Rose
2006 4 18 5
Birth 1935 9 2
Stengel Morgan Trent
2009 7 10 6 B Engagement 2009 5 22 Picture
Stephen Andrew Fitzgerald
2004 7 16 10
Married 2004 6 19
Stephens Adam R.
2006 6 30 5 B Engagement 2006 7 8 Picture
Stephens Adell
2007 10 12 9
Death 2007 10 3
Stephens Alaysia Danielle
2004 12 24 9
1st Christmas 2004 9 27 Picture
Stephens Alexandria Nicole
2006 12 22 6 B Birth 2006 8 7 Picture
Stephens Alexis Tierra
2000 4 18 8
Birth 2000 4 5
Stephens Alva Lee
2001 8 10 5
Death 2001 8 3
Stephens Angel Tobrigah Ja'Cray
2002 1 11 5
Birth 2001 12 19
Stephens Angel Tobrigah Ja'Cray
2002 1 11 5
Death 2001 12 23
Stephens Angus Mrs 2000 5 9 5
Death 2000 5 3
Stephens Annie Lou Coger
2000 5 9 5
Birth 1909 4 7
Stephens Annie Lou Coger
2000 5 9 5
Death 2000 5 3
Stephens Annie Ruth Givens
2001 2 6 5
Death 2001 2 2
Stephens April Leanne
2002 6 7 27 P&C Graduation 2002

Stephens Ariesha
2003 6 6 15 P&C Graduation 2003

Stephens Ashia L.
2000 6 9 10 P&C Graduation 2000

Stephens Ashley
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stephens Ashley
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stephens Ashley
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stephens Ashley
2009 6 12 7 Grad Graduation 2009 6

Stephens Austin Blake
2004 3 19 11
Birth 2004 2 18
Stephens Brittany
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Callie Ann
2009 5 8 2 B Engagement 2009 7 11 Picture
Stephens Cameron
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Cara
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stephens Chastity Viletta
2000 7 4 11
Graduation 2000 5 4
Stephens Curtis
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stephens Curtis Essie Jr 2001 9 25 5
Death 2001 9 20
Stephens Curtis Essie Jr 2001 9 28 5 A In Memory

Stephens Danyell
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens David Clark
2009 9 25 9 A Birth 1945 2 6
Stephens David Clark
2009 9 25 9 A Death 2009 9 22
Stephens Diamond Beyonce
2000 12 1 10 B Birth 2000 11 25
Stephens Donnell
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Dorothy Bailey
2002 6 21 5 A Birth 1920 12 9
Stephens Dorothy Bailey
2002 6 21 5 A Death 2002 6 11
Stephens Duval
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Dylane A. D.
2003 5 30 12 B Military Service 2003

Stephens Edith Adams (Mammy)
2007 3 30 9 A Birth 1917 8 30
Stephens Edith Adams (Mammy)
2007 3 30 9 A Death 2007 3 13
Stephens Edward
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stephens Edward
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Edward A.
2008 7 18 2 B Engagement 2009 5 16 Picture
Stephens Emma Lou Jamison
2004 6 25 5 A Death 2004 6 20
Stephens Ephriam
2001 6 1 12 Com Graduation 2001

Stephens Erica
2000 6 9 13 P&C Graduation 2000

Stephens Eva Mae
2007 2 27 4 B Married 1964 7 10 Picture
Stephens Eva Mae
2007 3 9 12
Married 1964 7 10 Picture
Stephens Harry (Bubbe)
2002 3 19 5
Death 2002 3 13
Stephens Jacquell
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stephens James Mrs 2002 6 21 5 A Death 2002 6 11
Stephens James S.
2009 9 4 9 A In Memory

Stephens Jaron Lacline
2005 11 1 5
Birth 1979 11 1 Picture
Stephens Jaron Lacline
2005 11 1 5
In Memory 1980 2 22 Picture
Stephens Jaron Lacline
2005 11 1 5
In Memory 1980 2 22 Picture
Stephens Jeremiah Sr 2002 3 5 5
Death 2002 2 24
Stephens Jeremiah, Sr Mrs 2004 6 25 5 A Death 2004 6 20
Stephens Jermaine
2000 6 9 13 P&C Graduation 2000

Stephens Jermaine "Frog"
2007 7 17 9
Birth 1975 5 18 Picture
Stephens Jermaine "Frog"
2007 7 17 9
Death 2006 7 13 Picture
Stephens Jerry L.
2000 1 18 5
Birth 1941

Stephens Jerry L.
2000 1 18 5
In Memory 1990

Stephens Jerry L.
2001 1 16 5
Birth 1941

Stephens Jerry L.
2001 1 16 5
In Memory 1990

Stephens Jessica
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Jessica Olivia
2005 5 27 14 B Graduation 2005

Stephens John
2001 8 10 4
Death 2001 8 5
Stephens John
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stephens John Wesley
2001 8 10 5
Birth 1941 8 27
Stephens John Wesley
2001 8 10 5
Death 2001 8 5
Stephens John Wesley
2001 8 10 5
Married 1967

Stephens Joslyn C.
2002 6 7 25 P&C Graduation 2002

Stephens Joyce McDonald
2004 2 10 5
Birth 1948 5 31
Stephens Joyce McDonald
2004 2 10 5
Death 2004 2 3
Stephens Kanesha
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens Kline
2000 5 26 5
In Memory 1982 5 24
Stephens Kline
2002 5 24 5 A In Memory 1982 5 24
Stephens Kline
2004 5 25 5
In Memory 1982 5 24
Stephens Kline
2005 5 27 5 A In Memory 1982 5 24
Stephens Kline
2007 5 29 9 A In Memory 1982 5 24
Stephens Kline
2008 5 27 9
In Memory 1992 5 14
Stephens Lachelle
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stephens Larhonda
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens Latosha
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Lula
2006 3 17 3 C Married 1962 6 2 Picture
Stephens Madison Jeanette
2004 6 29 14
Birth 2004 6 14
Stephens Maebell
2003 9 9 5
Death 2003 8 31
Stephens Marie
2001 3 30 8 A Birth 1940 1 12
Stephens Marie
2001 3 30 8 A In Memory 1998 3 28
Stephens Maytee Lanae
2002 6 7 27 P&C Graduation 2002

Stephens Melissa
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Nadine Adkinson
2005 1 4 5
Death 2004 12 27
Stephens Naquan
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Ni'Asia Mo-Nay
2001 2 20 7
Birth 2001 2 6
Stephens Odessa Lee Walker
2008 6 24 2
90th Birthday 2008 6 28
Stephens Odessa Walker
2008 6 24 18
90th Birthday 2008 6 28 Picture
Stephens Olivia
2007 5 29 6 B Graduation 2007

Stephens Pandora
2002 9 27 4 B Engagement 2002 12 21 Picture
Stephens Parko Lamont
2002 6 7 27 P&C Graduation 2002

Stephens Pearl
2005 8 2 5
Death 2005 7 24 100 Yrs Old
Stephens Peter M.
2004 3 5 11
Engagement 2004 4 17 Picture
Stephens Rebecca Mears
2000 2 18 9
Birth 1923 4 1
Stephens Rebecca Mears
2000 2 18 9
Death 2000 2 14
Stephens Ricardo S.
2000 6 9 10 P&C Graduation 2000

Stephens Ricardo S.
2004 5 7 11
Military Service 2004

Stephens Richard A.
2000 6 9 11 P&C Graduation 2000

Stephens Roosevelt
2003 7 25 5 A Death 2003 7 17
Stephens Rosella
2007 11 30 2 B Class Reunion 1967

Stephens Rudolph
2007 9 14 11 A Death 2007 9 7
Stephens Sammie L.
2005 2 15 18
Death 2005 2 9
Stephens Samuel Mrs 2005 1 4 5
Death 2004 12 27
Stephens Shatiema
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Shelley
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stephens Syldra
2005 5 27 3 Grad Salutatorian 2005

Stephens Syldra
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stephens Sylvester
2006 2 7 13
Death 2006 2 1
Stephens Sylvester
2007 2 16 9 A Birth 1947 2 9 Picture
Stephens Sylvester
2007 2 16 9 A In Memory 2006 2 1 Picture
Stephens Tammy
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stephens Teresa Ann
2006 6 30 5 B Engagement 2006 7 8 Picture
Stephens Terince
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens Terrill
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens Theodore
2005 11 22 12 A Death 2005 11 16
Stephens Travis
2003 6 6 15 P&C Graduation 2003

Stephens Tykemia
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stephens Tyneshnia M.
2002 6 7 25 P&C Graduation 2002

Stephens Vivian Mears
2003 9 19 5 A Birth 1921 5 17
Stephens Vivian Mears
2003 9 19 5 A Death 2003 9 12
Stephens Willie N. Mrs 2001 2 6 5
Death 2001 2 2
Stephens Yolanda
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stephenson Anne
2002 12 3 5
Birth 1924 12 30
Stephenson Ken Mrs 2005 4 19 5
Death 2005 4 9
Stephenson Myrna Kinsey
2005 4 19 5
Death 2005 4 9
Stephenson Russell H. (Steve) Mrs 2008 9 5 9 A Death 2008 8 30
Stephenson Vernelle Blocker
2008 9 5 9 A Birth 1926 6 28
Stephenson Vernelle Blocker
2008 9 5 9 A Death 2008 8 30
Sterling Calvin C. Mrs 2001 3 16 19
Death 2001 3 14
Stets Margaret Lucille Kinsler
2003 8 15 9 A Birth 1920 7 17
Stets Margaret Lucille Kinsler
2003 8 15 9 A Death 2003 8 10
Stets Robert Joseph, Sr Mrs 2003 8 15 9 A Death 2003 8 10
Stevens Betty C. (Cookie)
2008 2 22 10 A Birth 1956 7 6
Stevens Betty C. (Cookie)
2008 2 22 10 A Death 2008 2 17
Stevens Charles Wallace Mrs 2007 8 10 9
Death 2007 8 5
Stevens Isadore D.
2001 1 5 5
Death 2000 12 26
Stevens Ja'Keisha Clara
2003 5 16 12 A Death 2003 5 7
Stevens Janifer
2007 7 10 9
Birth 1962 5 31
Stevens Janifer
2007 7 10 9
Death 2007 6 27
Stevens Jessica
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stevens Joe Blease
2005 3 15 5
Birth 1936 6 6
Stevens Joe Blease
2005 3 15 5
Death 2005 3 11
Stevens Kalip
2000 12 15 5
Birth 1930 8 15 Picture
Stevens Kalip
2000 12 15 5
In Memory 1999 12 16 Picture
Stevens Kalip
2001 1 2 5
Birth 1930 8 15 Picture
Stevens Kalip
2001 1 2 5
In Memory 1999 12 16 Picture
Stevens Kalip
2001 12 14 12 A Birth 1930 8 15 Picture
Stevens Kalip
2001 12 14 12 A In Memory 1999 12 16 Picture
Stevens Kathleen
2002 9 27 5 A Birth 1940 5 20
Stevens Keith G.
2000 6 9 11 P&C Graduation 2000

Stevens Layla Charlene
2002 11 22 3 B Birth 2002 11 18
Stevens Lou Ann
2001 12 4 5
Birth 1909 7 22
Stevens Lou Ann
2001 12 4 5
Married 1980 2 4
Stevens Rebecca C.
2000 1 18 5
Engagement 2000 5 13 Picture
Stevens Roy
2006 6 16 5 A Birth 1954 2 7 Picture
Stevens Roy
2006 6 16 5 A In Memory 2005 8 22 Picture
Stevens Roy
2008 8 22 9
Birth 1954 2 7 Picture
Stevens Roy
2008 8 22 9
In Memory 2005 8 22 Picture
Stevens Roy F.
2006 8 25 5 A Birth 1954 2 2 Picture
Stevens Roy F.
2006 8 25 5 A In Memory 2005 8 22 Picture
Stevens Roy F.
2007 2 9 9 A Birth 1954 2 7 Picture
Stevens Roy F.
2007 2 9 9 A In Memory 2005 8 22 Picture
Stevens Roy F.
2007 6 15 9 A In Memory

Stevens Roy Frank
2005 8 26 9 A Birth 1954 2 7
Stevens Roy Frank
2005 8 26 9 A Death 2005 8 22
Stevens Roy Frank
2006 8 22 5
Birth 1954 2 7 Picture
Stevens Roy Frank
2006 8 22 5
In Memory 2005 8 22 Picture
Stevens Roy Frank Mrs 2008 2 22 10 A Death 2008 2 17
Stevens Samantha Brooke
2000 8 15 7
Birth 2000 6 28
Stevens Thomas Lee
2005 7 12 5
Death 2005 7 5
Stevens Tyler Edward
2000 8 1 7
Birth 2000 7 23
Stevens Tyler Edward
2000 12 22 14
Birth 2000 7 23 Picture
Stevens Tywanna N.
2000 6 9 11 P&C Graduation 2000

Stevens Willow Deen Lane
2007 8 10 9
Birth 1927 8 29
Stevens Willow Deen Lane
2007 8 10 9
Death 2007 8 5
Stevenson Betty Douglas
2004 8 6 5 B Class Reunion 1949

Stevenson Betty Douglas
2004 8 13 11 Class Reunion 1949

Stevenson DeShawn
2007 7 27 4 B Engagement 2007 9 15 Picture
Stevenson John Harold, Sr Mrs 2006 6 2 9 A Death 2006 5 29
Stevenson Virginia Cash
2006 6 2 9 A Birth 1916 8 17
Stevenson Virginia Cash
2006 6 2 9 A Death 2006 5 29
Steward Andria
2001 6 1 12 Com Graduation 2001

Steward Andria H.
2005 6 24 3 B Graduation 2005 5

Steward Christina J.
2007 1 12 15
Military Service 2007

Steward Dan Jr 2002 3 8 5 A Death 2002 3 1
Steward Dan (Rick) Jr 2003 3 14 5 A Birth 1944 2 9
Steward Dan (Rick) Jr 2003 3 14 5 A In Memory 2002 3 1
Steward Freddie
2009 9 4 1
Death 2008 10 27
Steward Frederick
2008 10 31 1
Death 2008 10 27
Steward Hoover, Sr Mrs 2004 9 14 5
Death 2004 9 7
Steward Jennifer Linn
2006 8 4 4 B Engagement 2007 1 13 Picture
Steward Jennifer Linn
2007 3 9 12
Married 2007 1 13 Picture
Steward Jerry Jones
2005 6 10 5 A Death 2005 6 6
Steward Joanner Stephens
2001 4 27 13 A Death 2001 4 23
Steward Missouri
2004 9 14 5
Death 2004 9 7
Steward Myasia
2003 2 7 11 A 6th Birthday 2003

Steward Pinkey O. DuBois
2000 11 28 5
Death 2000 11 21
Steward Stephanie
2007 10 2 11
Death 2007 9 17
Steward Tamer Jones
2002 1 1 5
Death 2001 12 23
Steward Vandria
2001 6 1 12 Com Graduation 2001

Steward Vandria
2005 6 24 3 B Graduation 2005 5

Steward Vernie A.
2001 8 31 7 A Death

Steward Vernie Akin
2002 11 15 5
Birth 1930 1 30
Steward Vernie Akin
2002 11 15 5
In Memory 2001 8 21
Steward Vernie Akins
2001 8 28 5
Birth 1930 1 27
Steward Vernie Akins
2001 8 28 5
Death 2001 8 21
Stewart Alan Jr 2006 3 28 5 A Married 2006 3 25
Stewart Alan Gregg Jr 2006 4 7 6 B Married 2006 3 11 Picture
Stewart Ammie Brown
2006 6 20 5
Death 2006 6 13
Stewart Arthur Rev 2001 3 20 5
Death 2001 3 13
Stewart Arthur, Rev, Sr Mrs 2006 6 20 5
Death 2006 6 13
Stewart Ashley Christine
2000 6 9 14 P&C Graduation 2000

Stewart Eddie Jr 2000 11 28 5
Death 2000 11 17
Stewart Erin
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stewart J. J.
2006 6 2 4 B Graduation 2006 5
Stewart Jimmy (Jabo) Sr 2003 9 12 9 A Death 2003 9 6
Stewart Jimmy A.
2002 6 7 25 P&C Graduation 2002

Stewart Lori
2008 2 26 3 B Married 1996 3 23 Picture
Stewart Melissa Moore
2000 2 29 8
Graduation 1999 12 16
Stewart Troy
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Stiefer Brenna
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Stieglitz Jarrett
2006 5 30 12 Grad Graduation 2006 5 27 Picture
Stieglitz Robin
2000 12 19 13
Teacher of Year 2000

Stieglitz Robin
2001 6 26 2
Top Teacher 2001

Stiles Christopher B.
2002 3 12 1
Death 2002 3 10
Still Betty
2003 6 6 1
Death 2003 6 3
Still Brantley Dwayne
2009 5 29 2 B Engagement 2009 9 12 Picture
Still Brantley Dwayne
2009 9 18 10 A Married 2009 9 12
Still Rudolph Victor (Ruby)
2000 2 15 5
Birth 1945 12 27
Still Rudolph Victor (Ruby)
2000 2 15 5
Death 2000 1 26
Still Ryan
2006 1 17 11
71st Birthday 2006 1 16 Picture
Still Victor Logan
2003 6 24 7
Birth 2003 6 12
Still Victor Logan
2003 6 24 7
Death 2003 6 17
Stine Lucille
2006 3 21 5
Birth 1907 1 24
Stivender Amye
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Stivender Chris
2005 1 28 2 B Engagement 2005 5 7
Stivender Craig
2001 6 1 10 Com Graduation 2001

Stivender Craig Allen
2005 11 25 2 B Engagement 2006 4 29 Picture
Stivender Craig Allen
2006 7 11 8
Married 2006 4 29 Picture
Stivender Edward McLaurin (Mack)
2009 7 14 11
Birth 1932 7 31
Stivender Edward McLaurin (Mack)
2009 7 14 11
Death 2009 7 9
Stivender JoAnne
2004 6 4 3 B 50th Anniversary 2004 6 2 Picture
Stivender Krystal
2006 5 30 14 Grad Graduation 2006 5 26 Picture
Stivender Mack
2004 6 4 3 B 50th Anniversary 2004 6 2 Picture
Stivender Willis Allen
2007 8 31 2 B Birth 2007 8 7
Stivender Willis Allen
2007 9 25 7 A Birth 2007 8 7 Picture
Stocks Eleanor Catherine Pittman
2004 9 14 5
Birth 1921 5 19
Stocks Eleanor Catherine Pittman
2004 9 14 5
Death 2004 9 11
Stocks Hyman Ashley Mrs 2004 9 14 5
Death 2004 9 11
Stokes Benjamin Sr 2006 5 23 5
Birth 1936 2 28
Stokes Benjamin Sr 2006 5 23 5
Death 2006 5 16
Stokes Bossman
2000 11 24 5 A Death 2000 11 19
Stokes Craig
2008 1 18 3 A Death 2008 1 15
Stokes Craig Lamont
2009 1 16 9 A Birth 1981 3 3 Picture
Stokes Craig Lamont
2009 1 16 9 A In Memory 2008 1 15 Picture
Stokes Craig Lamont
2009 1 20 9
Birth 1981 3 3
Stokes Craig Lamont
2009 1 20 9
In Memory 2008 1 15
Stokes Decric Lamar
2009 2 13 2 B Engagement 2009 5 30 Picture
Stokes Dedric Lamar
2009 7 10 5 B Married 2009 5 30
Stokes Emmett Cleveland Sr 2004 9 14 5
Birth 1927 6 17
Stokes Emmett Cleveland Sr 2004 9 14 5
Death 2004 9 11
Stokes India Neilei Renee
2001 7 6 9
Birth 2001 5 18
Stokes John E. Mrs 2000 5 5 5
Death 2000 4 27
Stokes Joseph Mrs 2002 7 30 5
Death 2002 7 22
Stokes Kia
2004 3 26 2 B 7th Birthday 2004

Stokes L. Michael, Jr Mrs 2003 1 14 5
Death 2003 1 10
Stokes Lorie Paul
2000 3 24 7
Birth 1920 12 12
Stokes Lorie Paul
2000 3 24 7
Death 2000 3 20
Stokes Magaline
2007 2 6 9
Birth 1952 12 15
Stokes Magaline
2007 2 6 9
Married 1974 3 23
Stokes Marguerite
2006 1 6 10
Birth 1931 12 15
Stokes Marion Melvin
2002 12 3 5
Birth 1930 10 16
Stokes Marion Melvin
2002 12 3 5
Death 2002 11 29
Stokes Marion W. (Bubba) Mrs 2001 6 1 5
Death 2001 5 25
Stokes Peter Joseph (P. J.) Jr 2005 11 1 5
Birth 1933 12 14
Stokes Peter Joseph (P. J.) Jr 2005 11 1 5
Death 2005 10 27
Stokes Sharonta M.
2004 11 5 11
Engagement 2004 11 27 Picture
Stokes Willie Mae Jaycocks
2003 1 14 5
Birth 1913 5 2
Stokes Willie Mae Jaycocks
2003 1 14 5
Death 2003 1 10
Stokes Zola Kinsey
2000 5 5 5
Death 2000 4 27
Stokes-Mosley Craig Lamont
2008 1 22 9
Birth 1981 3 3
Stokes-Mosley Craig Lamont
2008 1 22 9
Death 2008 1 15
Stone Angris Morris Mrs 2009 6 16 9
Death 2009 6 4
Stone Ashton Michael
2003 5 9 2 B Birth 2003 4 16
Stone Ashton Michael
2004 9 21 10
Birth 2003 4 16 Picture
Stone Austin Lee
2007 9 25 7 A Birth 2007 7 27 Picture
Stone Austin Lee
2007 9 28 8 A Birth 2007 7 27
Stone Austin Lee
2007 10 2 16
Birth 2007 7 27 Picture
Stone Austin Lee
2008 9 30 4 B Birth 2007 7 27 Picture
Stone Autumn Star Lynn
2009 10 20 5
Birth 2009 8 25 Picture
Stone Betty Elizabeth Ackerman
2009 6 16 9
Birth 1932 3 25
Stone Betty Elizabeth Ackerman
2009 6 16 9
Death 2009 6 4
Stone Chester Mrs 2002 3 12 5
Death 2002 3 8
Stone Chester Cecil
2002 11 29 5 A Birth 1915 3 16 Picture
Stone Chester Cecil
2002 11 29 5 A In Memory 1997 11 29 Picture
Stone Christopher Roy
2002 10 15 9

Stone Jackie Jearldine
2003 3 7 5 A Birth 1945 2 27
Stone James Lamar (Nut)
2003 3 25 5
Birth 1933 11 21
Stone James Lamar (Nut)
2003 3 25 5
Death 2003 3 20
Stone Jane Hardin
2005 3 18 5
Birth 1946 9 19
Stone Jane Hardin
2005 3 18 5
Death 2005 3 15
Stone John R.
2005 12 9 2 B Married 2005 10 29 Picture
Stone Johnnie C.
2005 9 27 12 A Little People 2003 6 4 Picture
Stone Johnnie C.
2005 10 4 12
Birth 2003 6 4 Picture
Stone Joseph Michael
2000 6 9 9
Graduation 2000 5 13
Stone Joseph Michael Jr 2004 1 16 2 B Engagement 2004 4 10 Picture
Stone Joseph Michael Jr 2004 4 16 4 B Married 2004 4 10
Stone Karen (KC)
2004 5 21 13
Married 2004 3 20 Picture
Stone Keith Edward
2003 7 25 5 A In Memory 1992 7 23
Stone Keith Edward
2007 8 24 9 A Birth 1960 8 23 Picture
Stone Keith Edward
2007 8 24 9 A In Memory 1992 7 23 Picture
Stone Keith Edward
2008 7 25 9 A Birth 1960 8 23 Picture
Stone Keith Edward
2008 7 25 9 A In Memory 1992 7 23 Picture
Stone Kimberly Lynn
2000 9 1 12
Engagement 2000 10 7 Picture
Stone Kimberly Lynn
2000 10 13 9
Married 2000 10 7 Picture
Stone Larry Mitchell Jr 2004 8 6 2 B Engagement 2005

Stone Larry Mitchell Jr 2004 8 20 11
Engagement 2004

Stone Macie
2000 12 22 14
Birth 2000 5 12 Picture
Stone Macie
2000 12 22 14
Birth 2000 5 12 Picture
Stone Macie Laine
2000 5 19 9
Birth 2000 5 12
Stone Macie Laine
2002 9 24 10
Birth 2000 5 12 Picture
Stone Macie Laine
2004 9 21 10
Birth 2000 5 12 Picture
Stone Mary
2009 8 11 9
Birth 1936 5 14
Stone Mary Celeste
2000 6 9 14 P&C Graduation 2000

Stone Mary Clarie Haws
2000 5 19 5
Birth 1911 2 6
Stone Mary Clarie Haws
2000 5 19 5
Death 2000 5 16
Stone Michael
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stone Mitchell
2008 10 24 10 B Married 2008 10 4 Picture
Stone Nina Jean
2008 10 10 9 A Birth 1958 3 29
Stone Phillip
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stone Phillip Samuel, Jr Mrs 2003 9 16 5
Death 2003 9 10
Stone Reba Crosby Bunton
2002 3 12 5
Death 2002 3 8
Stone Richard Michael
2000 6 9 18
Graduation 2000 5 8
Stone Toby Deloris Elvington
2009 10 6 10
Birth 1934 12 22 Picture
Stone Toby Deloris Elvington
2009 10 6 10
Death 2009 9 26 Picture
Stone Tyler Walker
2000 11 24 11 B Birth 2000 9 15
Stone Tyler Walker
2001 1 9 7
Birth 2000 9 15
Stone Vickie Louise Perdue
2003 9 16 5
Birth 1940 10 15
Stone Vickie Louise Perdue
2003 9 16 5
Death 2003 9 10
Stone William F.
2005 1 4 5
Military Service 2004

Stoner Heather
2007 4 6 1 B Says Goodbye 2007 4 6 Picture
Story Paul A.
2007 3 23 1
Class Reunion 1930

Storz Clara Alexis
2002 5 10 5 A Death 2002 5 3
Straub Amber
2003 6 6 15 P&C Graduation 2003

Straub Jessica
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Straub Sheila
2009 6 12 6 Grad Graduation 2009 6
Strauss Jeremy
2007 5 29 14 B Graduation 2007

Strauss Jessimine
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Strawhorn John David
2002 5 7 8
Married 2002 3 23
Strawn L. H.
2003 11 25 5 A Birth 1919 1 8
Strawn L. H.
2003 11 25 5 A Death 2003 11 23
Strawn Mary Lee
2009 7 3 9
Birth 1949 7 8
Strickland Alberta
2004 7 23 5
Birth 1926 11 15
Strickland Andy
2005 8 26 4 B Class Reunion 1959

Strickland Angela
2001 6 1 10 Com Graduation 2001

Strickland Angela
2004 8 13 11
Graduation 2004 7 29
Strickland Anna Myrtice Carter
2005 8 26 5 A Death 2005 8 23
Strickland Arnold M., Rev Mrs 2000 3 7 5
Death 2000 3 3
Strickland Arnold McDowell Rev 2005 12 16 5 A Birth 1926 11 26
Strickland Arnold McDowell Rev 2005 12 16 5 A Death 2005 12 12
Strickland Ashley
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Strickland Benjamin Daniel
2003 2 11 8
Married 2003 2 8
Strickland Brad
2002 9 24 10
Birth 2002 1 29 Picture
Strickland Brantley
2002 6 7 28 P&C Graduation 2002

Strickland Carnell Mrs 2008 3 14 5 A Death 2008 3 10
Strickland Cecil Mrs 2005 8 26 5 A Death 2005 8 23
Strickland Chance
2003 3 21 5 B Birth 1994 7 21
Strickland Claire
2003 8 15 9 A Birth 1944 7 23
Strickland Claire
2003 8 15 9 A Death 2003 8 10
Strickland Claire
2003 8 15 9 A Married 1968 1 4
Strickland Daniel
2002 12 24 5
Engagement 2003 2 8 Picture
Strickland David
2001 6 8 5
Class Reunion 1951

Strickland David Anderson (Andy)
2008 12 30 13
Birth 1941 9 21
Strickland David Anderson (Andy)
2008 12 30 13
Death 2008 12 26
Strickland David Willie Mrs 2004 10 15 5 A Death 2004 10 13
Strickland David Winn
2001 11 30 3 B Engagement 2002 4 27 Picture
Strickland Dean Thomas
2009 4 3 9 A Birth 1925 10 17
Strickland Dean Thomas
2009 4 3 9 A Death 2009 3 29
Strickland Deanna C.
2000 6 9 11 P&C Graduation 2000

Strickland Deborah G. Black (Debbie)
2008 11 18 11
Birth 1953 7 16
Strickland Deborah G. Black (Debbie)
2008 11 18 11
Death 2008 11 15
Strickland Deborah G. Black (Debbie)
2008 11 21 9 A Birth 1953 7 16
Strickland Deborah G. Black (Debbie)
2008 11 21 9 A Death 2008 11 15
Strickland Devon
2001 11 2 9
Engagement 2001 3 9 Picture
Strickland Devon Elizabeth
2002 4 26 10
Married 2002 3 9 Picture
Strickland Edwin (Wick)
2003 1 28 5
Birth 1927 4 15
Strickland Edwin (Wick)
2003 1 28 5
Death 2003 1 25
Strickland Eleanor
2001 6 1 11 Com Graduation 2001

Strickland Elise
2004 5 14 5
Birth 1923 2 1
Strickland Ernestine
2006 5 30 2 A Graduation 1936 5

Strickland Ernestine Carter Ayer
2005 9 16 5
Birth 1933 10 3
Strickland Ernestine Carter Ayer
2005 9 16 5
Death 2005 9 12
Strickland Esther Valeria Redman
2004 10 15 5 A Birth 1923 9 3
Strickland Esther Valeria Redman
2004 10 15 5 A Death 2004 10 13
Strickland Feddie
2006 11 24 2 B Class Reunion 1960

Strickland Freddie
2005 8 26 4 B Class Reunion 1960

Strickland Gaynelle
2008 6 10 9 A Birth 1923 8 12
Strickland Gladys
2005 4 5 5
Birth 1926 10 2
Strickland Harry Mrs 2005 5 17 5
Death 2005 5 12
Strickland Inez Charity Padgett Kinsey Warren
2005 5 17 5
Birth 1920 4 13
Strickland Inez Charity Padgett Kinsey Warren
2005 5 17 5
Death 2005 5 12
Strickland Jacqeline L.
2001 3 2 5
Birth 1934 1 6
Strickland Jacqeline L.
2001 3 2 5
In Memory 2000 3 3
Strickland Jacqueline Lyles
2000 3 7 5
Birth 1934 1 6
Strickland Jacqueline Lyles
2000 3 7 5
Death 2000 3 3
Strickland James Edgar William Jr 2001 7 17 7
Birth 2001 7 3
Strickland James Perry (Jimmy)
2009 11 17 10
Birth 1969 10 18
Strickland James Perry (Jimmy)
2009 11 17 10
Death 2009 11 13
Strickland James S. Mrs 2005 8 12 5 A Death 2005 8 7
Strickland Jamie
2001 6 1 10 Com Graduation 2001

Strickland Jason C.
2003 10 31 2 B Engagement 2004 5 23 Picture
Strickland Jason Carlisle
2004 5 28 2 B Married 2004 5 22
Strickland Jeff
2003 8 15 9 A Birth 1972 3 12
Strickland Jessica Durham
2004 4 23 5 A Birth 1976 10 30
Strickland Jessica Durham
2004 4 23 5 A Death 2004 4 19
Strickland Jessica Elizabeth Durham
2004 10 29 13 A Birth 1976 10 30 Picture
Strickland Jessica Elizabeth Durham
2004 10 29 13 A In Memory 2004 4 19 Picture
Strickland Joel Mrs 2003 8 15 9 A Death 2003 8 10
Strickland Joel
2003 8 15 9 A Married 1968 1 4
Strickland John Campbell
2003 11 18 5
Birth 1935 9 28
Strickland John Campbell
2003 11 18 5
Death 2003 11 13
Strickland John Daniel (Johnny)
2009 8 14 9
Birth 1957 5 4
Strickland John Daniel (Johnny)
2009 8 14 9
Death 2009 8 12
Strickland John Daniel (Johnny)
2009 8 18 9
Birth 1957 5 4
Strickland John Daniel (Johnny)
2009 8 18 9
Death 2009 8 12
Strickland John Gilmore Jr 2009 1 13 9
Death 2009 1 11
Strickland John Gilmore Jr 2009 1 16 9 A Birth 1930 12 12
Strickland John Gilmore Jr 2009 1 16 9 A Death 2009 1 11
Strickland Johnny M. Mrs 2008 7 11 9 A Death 2008 7 9
Strickland Joseph E. Sr 2006 8 25 5 A Birth 1936 4 18
Strickland Joseph E. Sr 2006 8 25 5 A Death 2006 8 22
Strickland Joseph Kline
2002 6 28 5 B Married 2002 6 22
Strickland Josiah Perry
2001 2 13 5
Birth 1946 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2001 2 13 5
In Memory 1998 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2002 2 15 5 A Birth 1947 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2002 2 15 5 A In Memory 1998 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2003 2 14 5 A Birth 1947 2 14 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2003 2 14 5 A In Memory 1998 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2004 2 13 5
Birth 1947 2 13 Picture
Strickland Josiah Perry
2004 2 13 5
In Memory 1998 2 13 Picture
Strickland Julie
2001 5 18 2 B Engagement 2001 7 28 Picture
Strickland Julie
2001 9 25 8
Married 2001 7 28 Picture
Strickland Justin II 2003 3 21 5 B Birth 1991 2 18
Strickland Justin
2003 3 21 5 B Married 1987 5
Strickland Kacee
2003 5 27 8
Graduation 2003 5 5
Strickland Keegan Hunter
2009 10 2 6 B Birth 2004 1 9 Picture
Strickland Keith Allen
2004 12 10 19
Engagement 2005 5 21
Strickland Keith Allen
2005 5 27 3 B Married 2005 5 21
Strickland Kitty
2001 2 9 5
In Memory 1998 2 11
Strickland Kitty
2002 2 8 5
In Memory 1998 2 11
Strickland Kitty
2005 2 15 5
In Memory 1998 2 11
Strickland Kyle
2003 6 6 17 P&C Graduation 2003

Strickland Kyle
2008 5 27 3
Highway Patrol 2008 5 16 Picture
Strickland Lisa M.
2002 6 7 25 P&C Graduation 2002

Strickland Ludie George Padgett
2008 3 14 5 A Birth 1919 5 27
Strickland Ludie George Padgett
2008 3 14 5 A Death 2008 3 10
Strickland Madison Lea
2002 1 4 1
Birth 2002 1 1 Picture
Strickland Madison Lea
2002 1 11 9
Birth 2002 1 1
Strickland Martha
2001 2 13 2
Top Teacher 2001

Strickland Melinda E.
2002 6 7 25 P&C Graduation 2002

Strickland Norman Russell
2006 5 23 5
Birth 1921 10 24
Strickland Norman Russell
2006 5 23 5
Death 2006 5 18
Strickland Odean
2005 4 22 5 A Birth 1931 6 11
Strickland Odean
2005 4 22 5 A Death 2005 4 19
Strickland P. W.
2009 10 30 2 A Pensioner 1919 10 29
Strickland Paul W. Mrs 2003 11 21 5 A Death 2003 11 16
Strickland Peggy Diane Rhodes
2008 7 11 9 A Birth 1945 6 16
Strickland Peggy Diane Rhodes
2008 7 11 9 A Death 2008 7 9
Strickland Perry
2005 2 15 5
In Memory 1998 2 13
Strickland Rhonda Jones
2003 3 21 5 B Graduation 1983

Strickland Rhonda Jones
2003 3 21 5 B Married 1987 5
Strickland Riley P.
2002 2 1 9
Engagement 2002 4 20 Picture
Strickland Riley Preston
2002 4 30 14 A Married 2002 4 20
Strickland Robert A.
2002 6 18 7
Graduation 2002

Highway Patrol
Strickland Robert Anderson
2000 6 9 18
Graduation 2000 5 8
Strickland Robin Nicole
2002 6 7 27 P&C Graduation 2002

Strickland Ronald
2001 6 8 5
51st Reunion 1951

Strickland Ruth Hutto
2003 11 18 5
Funeral 2003 11 19
Strickland Ruth Hutto
2003 11 21 5 A Birth 1928 9 15
Strickland Ruth Hutto
2003 11 21 5 A Death 2003 11 16
Strickland Sandie Louise
2000 6 20 7
Married 2000 4 29 Picture
Strickland Stephanie
2004 5 25 9
Graduation 2004 5 25 Picture
Strickland Taylor
2002 9 24 10
Birth 1998 3 17 Picture
Strickland Tommy (Tom) Mrs 2008 11 18 11
Death 2008 11 15
Strickland Tommy (Tom) Mrs 2008 11 21 9 A Death 2008 11 15
Strickland Vera
2000 2 25 5
Birth 1909 1 5
Strickland Virginia Shaw (Jinks)
2005 8 12 5 A Birth 1922 9 22
Strickland Virginia Shaw (Jinks)
2005 8 12 5 A Death 2005 8 7
Strickland William Glen Mrs 2009 4 3 9 A Death 2009 3 29
Strickland Willie
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Strickland Willie James
2008 5 9 11 A Birth 1934 4 14
Strickland Willie James
2008 5 9 11 A Death 2008 5 5
Stringfield Donna Ann
2000 5 19 9
Engagement 2000 6 24 Picture
Stringfield Donna Ann
2000 7 14 9
Married 2000 6 24 Picture
Stringfield Elsie Ann Maxey
2005 9 20 5 A Birth 1931 9 24
Stringfield Elsie Ann Maxey
2005 9 20 5 A Death 2005 9 16
Stringfield Jack
2000 12 12 5
In Memory 1996 12 14
Stringfield Jenny Nell Byrd
2004 8 10 5
Birth 1907 2 17
Stringfield Jenny Nell Byrd
2004 8 10 5
Death 2004 8 3
Stringfield Joseph Lee
2005 8 2 5
Birth 1926 11 22
Stringfield Joseph Lee
2005 8 2 5
Death 2005 7 27
Stringfield Joseph Lee
2005 9 20 5 A Death 2005 7 27
Stringfield Joseph Lee Mrs 2005 9 20 5 A Death 2005 9 16
Stringfield Joseph Lee
2005 9 20 5 A Married 1952 7 12
Stringfield Lee Carl Mrs 2004 8 10 5
Death 2004 8 3
Stringfield Makayla Brooke
2000 5 26 19
Birth 2000 4 21
Stroble Caleb Michael
2001 2 16 9
Birth 2000 12 19
Stroble Courtney
2005 5 27 13 Grad Graduation 2005

Stroble Courtney Lois
2008 6 27 2 B Engagement 2008 10 18 Picture
Stroble Evan Michael
2005 9 27 11 A Little People 2005 3 31 Picture
Stroble Kyle Evan
2000 6 9 18
Graduation 2000 5 8
Stroble Kyle Evan
2002 5 14 8
Graduation 2002 5

Stroble Lance
2008 6 10 10 B Graduation 2008

Stroble Marc Judson
2000 3 21 7
Engagement 2000 6 20
Stroble Marc Judson
2000 3 24 9
Engagement 2000 6 10
Stroble Marc Judson 2000 6 30 12
Married 2000 6 10
Stroble Tanner
2001 1 23 3
3rd Birthday 1998 1 24 Picture
Stroman Janie Jamison
2003 5 9 5 A Birth 1917 9 25
Stroman Janie Jamison
2003 5 9 5 A Death 2003 5 5
Strong Marceil
2000 6 9 11 P&C Graduation 2000

Stroud Barbara J.
2005 8 12 2 B Graduation 2005 8

Stroud Buck
2002 6 21 10 A Class Reunion 1952

Stroud Bucky
2007 5 25 4 B Class Reunion 1952

Stroud John
2005 5 27 12 Grad Graduation 2005

Stroud John Boswell Sr 2008 2 15 10 A Birth 1941 1 1
Stroud John Boswell Sr 2008 2 15 10 A Death 2008 2 12
Stroud Sylvia Crosby
2007 10 19 4 B Class Reunion 1957

Stroupe Eliza Sloman
2002 10 29 5 A Birth 1913 7 16
Stroupe Eliza Sloman
2002 10 29 5 A Death 2002 10 24
Stroupe Ernest A., Sr Yes 2002 10 29 5 A Death 2002 10 24
Stroupe Ernest Alexander (Alex) Jr 2006 7 7 5
Birth 1944 1 13
Stroupe Ernest Alexander (Alex) Jr 2006 7 7 5
Death 2006 7 3
Stroupe Hughes Warren
2006 12 1 9 A Birth 1917 6 14
Stroupe Hughes Warren
2006 12 1 9 A Death 2006 11 26
Stroupe Jasmine
2000 8 15 7
Birth 2000

Stultz Taurus O'Brien
2003 12 16 1 A Death 2003 12 12
Sturgill Vance Mrs 2002 10 11 5
Death 2002 10 6
Sturgill Virginia Brown
2002 10 11 5
Birth 1915 6 22
Sturgill Virginia Brown
2002 10 11 5
Death 2002 10 6
Sturgis H. Dion
2001 4 27 3 B Engagement 2001 12 15 Picture
Sturkey Jonnie Franklin Sr 2002 1 8 5
Death 2002 1 6
Sturkey Jonnie Franklin Sr 2002 1 11 5
Death 2002 1 6
Sturkey Junior
2006 10 27 3 B Engagement 2007 2 10 Picture
Sturkey Naomi Dianne
2008 7 11 2 B Birth 2008 6 9
Sturzenegger Jerri-Ann Blakeman
2003 2 28 16 B Graduation 1983

Stutts Earleen Doyle
2007 12 24 9
Birth 1924 5 24
Stutts Earleen Doyle
2007 12 24 9
Death 2007 12 20
Stutts Elberta Elizabeth Moyer Davis
2008 12 2 9
Birth 1928 4 21
Stutts Elberta Elizabeth Moyer Davis
2008 12 2 9
Death 2008 11 26
Stutts Harry David
2002 8 27 5
Birth 1942 1 1
Stutts Harry David
2002 8 27 5
Death 2002 8 24
Stutts Harry David
2002 8 30 7 A Birth 1942 1 1
Stutts Harry David
2002 8 30 7 A Death 2002 8 24
Stutts Harry L. Mrs 2007